working out
I started by pruning shrubs and small trees. I'm very good at connecting to the plants. Well some of the small trees had work that I couldn't reach with a pole and I hate ladders. So, an arborist that I work for suggested ISA Penn-Del's climbing school.
Yikes, everyone thought I was nuts, a 62 year old guy trying to get his butt off the ground. I did and have kept going.
Through out the winter when the arborists that I work for said the weather was to bad or to cold to work I'd go down to the river and find some big old tree and climb. Always trying out new things. Getting real comfortable with the system. Building agility and strength.
And of course reading everything at this site picking things up and trying them out.
A funny one on the side: the other day I had to do a TD, which I hate to do even though I can be very inventive with the physics. Well, pulling a leaner up to verticle and over was short with the come a long and rope supplied by contractor. Yikes, ..., I assumed without check out the gear first, ... so, I thought to attached another shorter line to the bull rope running from the top of the tree to the come a long connected to the base of another tree. Hahahah, I thought, how can I do this with everything under tension. I used a Blakes hitch with a couple of xtra turnes. I was able to take the strain on the bull and re-set the come a long twice. In my mind I was thinking about some of the stuff I'd read here and in knot applications.
Anyway, when not climbing for money I climb for pleasure and experience and when that is impossible I try out crazy ideas with rope and physics.
Work out! I have to being 62 with a mind of a 19 year old.
Practice tying knots one handed. Practice with your saddle on and eyes shut attaching tools, new hook ups with lanyard, etc.
Work out until it is all fluid. Ya, ..., puff, puff.