Cold Bar Oil

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ArboristSite Operative
Dec 23, 2009
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Massachusetts ( WESTERN MA )
Anyone have a cold weather bar oil, or something you make yourself. I have gone through 3 brands and when it's 9 degrees out, that stuff just gets so thick. Not bad when the saws stay running for a bit because it warms up from the engine, but the climbing saw is on, off, cool, start, etc... I had one brand that got so thick it was thicker than jelly!, had to put saw inside for a while to let it thin back out. One guy told me he uses motor oil in winter, but didn't say what weight. Any tips. Cause it's damn cold out today a whole 10 out now.
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There is a cold weather oil available. If not leave a full bottle inside at night, in the morning pour out 2 coffee cups full and replace it with diesel fuel, and shake well.
try veggie or canola oil, it's a little thinner and tastes better.
i got a question about how much that kind cost? and will it gum up the oiler like it does a truck engine?
I pay the same price as regular bar oil and I wouldn't be putting bar oil in your truck :) I haven't seen any ill affects on the oiler have been using the stuff for the past eight winters. :cheers:
yea i know not to use that stuff in my truck i love it to much lol. but that regular quaker state oil thats goes in a engine will gum it up so bad it locks it up tighter then heck lol.
same here i use mobil one or castoil gtx or pennzoil in my truck
motion lotion from baileys works good in the cold,it has been around 10 degrees here.i have been getting along ok with it.
You can blend as suggested and thin it yourself.
Get winter blend chainsaw oil, at your local dealer.

Let saw warm up before using it, adjust your oiler as needed.
I stuffed a "hot hands" packet in my oil reservoir. Bonus - it's very efficient, I never need to refill evidently! "Whats smoking?" "Why is my chain loose again?" My bar is now a psychedelic blue/brown, hmmmm...?

Next I'll try stuffing the heater element from an old pair of electric socks in there.
I have been using cenex brand bar oil

I have not had any issues with it other than it is so dang tacky it actually robs some power!!!!!! pours nice when cold though.
Anyone have a cold weather bar oil, or something you make yourself. I have gone through 3 brands and when it's 9 degrees out, that stuff just gets so thick. Not bad when the saws stay running for a bit because it warms up from the engine, but the climbing saw is on, off, cool, start, etc... I had one brand that got so thick it was thicker than jelly!, had to put saw inside for a while to let it thin back out. One guy told me he uses motor oil in winter, but didn't say what weight. Any tips. Cause it's damn cold out today a whole 10 out now.

Why are you not putting it on the floor of the truck in the morning , by the time you get to the work its like water than rest it on the top of the chipper or near the pony motor , just an idea ya know
Bar oil sprays everywhere when you are cutting, all over your face and mouth. I have used motor oil before and it sucks getting it on your lips, can't imagine what diesel or kerosene tastes like. That winter grade stuff is too exspensive for me to be running in my saw. I can go get a gallon of canola oil form the grocery store for around 5 bucks. It works great in the winter and summer the only thing is you might have to adjust the oiler. I don't use this for environmental reasons, just for it's price and the fact that it's constantly being sprayed in my face from using the saw in the tree.

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