but wait, there's more
I instruct my newbies not to COM while I'm sawing. They may have a question that, with a bit of thought, they can figure out on their own, and I don't want to be interrupted or distracted unless my saw is off, or if there's some iminent safety concern.
I think on any future guy, I won't even tell him that he can transmit to me. I can't say I've felt the need to have casual tree-to-ground conversation just because I can. I prefer to be the bug in his ear, not the other way around.
It's been great. This is overcoming a MAJOR safety issue in why I have for so many years worked primarily solo. All the communication hurdles have been stomped flat. Compliance to wear the protective ear gear is high, and communication proceeds calmly without the men having to make eye contact, or even stop working.
All this time I thought I was some freakin head case because I have to yell, or whistle, or wave my arms and WAIT, and stop my work..... All that stressful and frustrating and -face-it- dangerous behavior of NOT being able to communicate is gone from my life.
Also, I used to NOT listen to music when I would have the occasional helper, just so communication would stay open. This was always a major Bummer because I really, really enjoy listening to music or National Public Radio while I do my work. Now we can BOTH enjoy the blessing of music, and we're only a fingertip touch away from each other, at any given moment.