Computer Illiterate

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ArboristSite Operative
Jan 24, 2002
Reaction score
OK, heres another stupid question. How do you put a picture below your name on a post? I need this explained in Laymans terms, because I'm not to good with computers yet.
First, you need to have a photo on your computer. It has to be in JPEG or GIF format, under 75x75 pixles in physical size, and under 20KB file size.

Next, you go to your "User CP" on this this site. Click on options once you get there. Scroll down and you'll find the Avatar section. Click "Change Avatar". Now that you're there, click the "Select avatar" button and find the file on your computer. Then click the "Use custom avatar" button. Hit "Save Changes" and that's it. You should have your picture (in my case, a Jonsereds logo) under your name.
Uh oh. Those Canucks learn enough of our secrets and we're in trouble. I guess as long as Gypo doesn't find out about that flying laser saw things'll be all right. Whoops...
There is some good info on the thread titled 'avatars' under the 'off the topic' forum. You know, since you can't cut wood with an avatar.:rolleyes: :p
Man, I leave for 34 years and the whole state goes to heck. Computers in New Hampshire... I suppose next you'll tell me that guys are going out and BUYING farm tractors instead of making their own.
John, let the cat out of the bag. Well, I got me one, yes sir ee, a Laser saw. It brings a whole new dimension to timber trespass.
All I do is cruise for that to die for timber and zap! In one well aimed shot at the stump the tree silently dives sky high, whereupon I laser it into three 10' 3"s and voila there it is on my landing. A whole new concept to selective forestry. The tops are grafted perfectly back on the stump so it's nothing to beech about.
Just another day at the Beach,
LOL, you guys are bad, Hell I just moved to "The Granite State" last year! I'm from N.Y. where they do have some computer thinga ma bobs. I think I just need a picture in the right size and format thats all. Does anyone have a pic of a "RA" I.E.L or Diston DO100 in JPEG format that is 75x75 pixels max?
Take this image and download it. (If you're using a PC, right-click and choose "save target as") Then you go to the avatar page and browse for the file you downloaded. Remember, the "use custom avatar" button needs to be selected _after_ you choose the image.

Thanks John:) , Never thought someone from Mass could such a nice guy! Just kidding.:D