This looks lame- I see I've been away ! lol, just kidding!:monkey:
I actually find that with gear, I actually have a bit of fear, not much, in that I am putting my safety in the "hands" of a harness and a few knots that could break or come undone at any given moment, having checked them or not. While working without harness and tie ins, I knew 100% that I was able to do the task because physically I knew my limitations. I guess I have trouible trusting things more than my own instincts.
Sorry, but I aint kidding, are these people for real?? and if so ??
, skilled or lucky or dangerous?
I'll try to answer as many questions as I can.
To woodchux, I would say I have taken down in the range of 150 trees. I never really counted but over the years it has to be at least that many. I haven't been doing just trees all along. I do tree work as a second job and enjoy it.
Like I asked initially, is the fireman brave /skilled for going into the fire and saving the kid or was he dangerous/foolish for doing so. IMO, fine line.
To masterarbor,
I doubt it. I get the hint. I should have been using equipment to be safe, I was lucky nothing happened and my skill is basically un-usable due to the fact that more people than not feel its unsafe. Like I asked initially, is the fireman brave /skilled for going into the fire and saving the kid or was he dangerous/foolish for doing so. IMO, fine line.
Is the firefighter that goes into the flaming building to save the kid brave or stupid? Was I dangerous to be up in the tree without gear or was I very skilled? Let me know, what do you think?