Conveyors Chain Vs Belt

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We move our conveyor around with these:

Treevet thats what I could have used today to move my splitter around in the snow,I just have a huskee tractor with chains to move the spitter around the yard,It wouldn't move it far without spinning out with the chains on and digging down! I went to fire up the snow blower this morning it was so cold the starter would just spin until I warmed it up with my wifes hair dyer for not even a minute! It grabbed after that! I will get my truck to the splitter in the morning!.. yea you guys look like you have it down to a science!! Sure wish I had a Toro like that one you have,that wouldn't spin out in a little snow!!Makes me that much more determined to get her done! Birddog1 :clap:
bird dog, I've made a few changes since those pics. Bought my own splitter, never used it yet though. Sold my big saw to a buddy that needed it more than me. Moved the conveyor to my equipment fenceline and haven't used it since. Bought a Kubota TLB to move logs around. Now only problem is no logs to cut. Firewood prices are up decent around here and everyone thinks logs are worth the same price as split seasoned firewood. I can buy split firewood from the Amish for cheaper than I can buy a load of logs. I like cutting and splitting wood but it just doesn't make any sense dollarwise. I have enough wood in my basement for 2 1/2 years but would like a bunch of logs sitting around that I can work on when I want some stressfree exercise. I am surrounded with 300 acres of bush that a rich guy owns but doesn't want anyone on his property. And of course he doesn't need or want the few dollars the wood would bring in, and he doesn't care about the logs either.

Treevet what model is that dingo that you are using there ?? Is that diesel or gas? What is the difference between the wide track and narrow track, What would be the way to go here to push a splitter and conveyor around?
Treevet what model is that dingo that you are using there ?? Is that diesel or gas? What is the difference between the wide track and narrow track, What would be the way to go here to push a splitter and conveyor around?

It is a 525 TX with 55 hours. The 525 instead of the 425 indicates diesel and I would not go without it. That is the demo (picture) I had prior to buying mine a few months ago. The narrow track has a 34 " profile and we have taken it thru numerous gates I did not at first glance think it had a chance.

After I bought this one new I tripped into a deal on a 2003 Bobcat MT 50 mini I could not pass up. I added a Noorgard BMG grapple to it.

The mini skids would perfect for you to move the splitter/conveyor around. You can find some real good deals if you google used mini's. You could build an entire business around them IMO. They got a ton of uses with dif implements. AS has at least one thread I know of on them.
I have really been looking at different equipment options,from Dingos to kutoba tractors to bobcats to farm tractors. When the ground was frozen before we got the warm up here in RI ,The husky tractor was doing ok pulling that splitter around , I am going to add some wheel weights to see if that will help even more.. I am going to look at the Hudson Conveyor on Tuesday.It has a Briggs & Stratton motor that I hate,I have always had bad luck with them trying to start them in freezing cold weather,I am going to see if they can swap it out for a honda,Then they might have a customer. On some of the bigger models they have honda engines on them, I am not sure if this is an option or not, I will find out. I looked at the farm conveyor,it was really in ruff shape, very rotted and ruff, that one not for me! I hope Santa was good to everyone! He brought me a 2009 Toyota 4wd ! I like it! Have a great New Years if I miss you.. Birddog1 :cheers:
Seems like that Yota wouldn't have any prob moving the equipment around Birddog.

Last week we had a sheet on the entire top section of the belting on my conveyor. Just as I suspected ....couple of trips around the rollers with the belt bending and more ice...paddles are a waste of money IMO.

What made you favor the Hudson? I remembered it costing more I thought. You are right on about the BS/Honda engines.
Well I located a Timberwolf c-26 w/hydraulic top drum drive that I got a really good deal on,I went with it I found it up in Woburn Mass. They are going to deliver it for me I should have it by this weekend! I bought it over the phone..I decided not to go with the 20' Hudson with the Briggs motor that I hate. It probably would have been to small anyway!!! I am also getting some 12 cords of 3to4 year seasoned in the morning Things are looking up for the new year, :clap: I like the kubota tractor also maybe that will be next ??
Well I located a Timberwolf c-26 w/hydraulic top drum drive that I got a really good deal on,I went with it I found it up in Woburn Mass. They are going to deliver it for me I should have it by this weekend! I bought it over the phone..I decided not to go with the 20' Hudson with the Briggs motor that I hate. It probably would have been to small anyway!!! I am also getting some 12 cords of 3to4 year seasoned in the morning Things are looking up for the new year, :clap: I like the kubota tractor also maybe that will be next ??

I just got a phone call from a local logger thats going to hook me up with some seasoned tree length that the bark is falling off really reasonable. Hes going to bring me a couple of cords of 10 footers with a small truck on Friday just to see if he can get his 40 foot truck in here so he can bury me in seasoned wood. Looks like Timberwolf is going for round two,I will get to use the conveyor also. Looks like I am off to a great start for the new year,I can hardly wait. I will get some pictures on soon.. :clap: Happy new year to all! :cheers:
Where in RI are you??

Birddog. just wondering where in RI you are??? I am in Jamestown. Congrats on the new conveyor, I am actually looking for one as much was the guy asking for the old farm conveyor you were looking at??? I am not splitting as much as you, but I would sure love to have a conveyor, even if it needs some work!

Just bought a new Husky 460 with a 20" bar, wicked sweet, it was a birthday present to myself.....can't wait to get out to the wood pile and try it out! Gonna get some snow tomorrow, have to plow and then work at the fire station at night......gonna have to wait til the weekend to give her a try :cry:
hey neighbor I am in Exeter, I looked at the farm conveyor but it was in such ruff condition I didn't even ask,they were closed the two times I was there. It does have a new electric motor belt pulley on it.I am sure it would run ok,it does have a steel belt,with cleats.looks like around a 30 footer. Its over on rt 138 between Voluntown and Jewett city,Connecuiticut. Its located at an antique store called uncle bobs on the left,its up on top of the hill next to the highway,Bob has a sawmill or something next to the store,and a cell tower on the property..It was there a couple of weeks ago,I haven't been over that way since going to my Stihl dealer in Griswold. You might want to call first to see if it is still there..
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Exeter, very cool, I work at the Fire Dept in NK....Thanks for the info, I am gonna give him a call today, and see what he wants for it. I could check it out on my way to the Polaris dealer in CT.......2 birds with one stone!
Stay warm today!
I recently joined this forum which by the way is very cool and informative,I recently purchased a Timberwolf TW-5 splitter with all the options,also a six way wedge that I like better than the 4 way wedge for the two foot hardwood rounds I have been splitting, I have split near 20 cords in my first week working alone,an awesome machine!! I have been looking into conveyors, I don't need anything really big The timberwolf c-20 looks like a good choice runs a rubber belt, I notice Hudson has some smaller conveyors a 12And 16 foot conveyor that are chain driven, seems to me the chain drive would outlast a rubber belt.. My neighbor has a Multiteck Processor that can pump out 30 cords a day! He has been into for 40 years,told don't get a conveyor with a rubber belt they won't last over a couple of years with heavy use? He has a 35 ft. conveyor with an all steel belt he has had for years with no problems. I only have small operation started 50 cord a year is my goal for the 1/2 of an acre I am working on.I guess my question is has anyone had any experiences with a chain driven conveyor vs a belt driven conveyor.?? I use a husky tractor with a trailer hitch I welded up to move the splitter around,so I can't have anything really heavy to move a conveyor around and don't need a pile over 8 feet tall. Thanks in advance
I built a conveyor with belt and chain the belt on the bottom and chain work good.the motor is on the top hyd is more for giveing no pily ups


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Hi there,

Congrats on your Timberwolf TW-5! It sounds like you’ve got a solid setup going, and 20 cords in your first week is impressive!

Regarding conveyors, I can understand your concern about durability. I’ve used conveyors from LAC Conveyors, and they’re known for their reliable and heavy-duty systems. They offer both belt-driven and chain-driven conveyors, and they’ve been very reliable even with heavy use. If you’re leaning towards something more durable and long-lasting, especially for a smaller operation, I'd recommend checking out LAC’s options—they provide a range of solutions tailored to different needs, and I’ve been more than happy with their performance over time.

Also, keep in mind that some of the newer belt designs have improved significantly in terms of durability, but if weight and mobility are a concern, a chain-driven system like the Hudson models could still be a solid choice for your needs.

Hope that helps, and best of luck with your operation! Let me know if you have any other questions.