Does anyone else have a problem when selling firewood of the customer saying... "I didn't think a cord was that much wood?" :jawdrop:
Not that it's a bad thing, it's good for return business but my last several customers couldn't believe how much wood was in a cord.
One guy showed up with a 18 foot trailer with 1 foot sides and then had a nice dresser on it as well. He expected to fit his 2 cords on the trailer along with his dresser... needless to say he made a second trip.
I told him when he showed up, I didn't think it would all fit... I have a 6.5'x10' trailer with 2' sides and if i stack it tight and level with my 2ft sides it equalls a little over a cord at 130 cu ft.
Then today another guy came to pick up a cord with a 5x10 trailer with 1 foot sides and decided he is going to have to make a second trip.
I just thought it was interesting that people keep under estimating the size of a cord.
Wondering if anyone else had similar issues!

Be safe!