The dust extractor costs about $30. It's a $25 buckethead from home depot, a 5g bucket, a 45° 1.5" schedule 40 street elbow, and a 1.5" sch40 to 1.25" tubular trap adapter, which fits the hose on that thing perfectly. I use a little piece of wire to hold it down. I was going to bolt it on, but it turns out that I need to move it around for some stuff (like grinding rakers at 90°). (It also has a muffler on it, made out of a cardboard box and some filtration medium, because that cheesy little bucket vac is louder than my real shop vac.)I like the dust extractor moreand in the Chinese sharpener I also did some slight modifications. Oregon, well, this is precisely Italian accuracy, although it's not cheap
It doesn't work as well as putting it in a box as you can see some others on the forum have done, but the box would be in the way on the bench. If I ever decide to wall mount it, I will build it a box to catch all the filings.