couple of quick Stihl questions

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ArboristSite Operative
Mar 18, 2005
Reaction score
1. I just replaced a starter cord on a 029 and there was only one pawl. Is this normal? I don't have an exploded view in front of me.

2. This afternoon I passed on a pretty nice 026 that needed a bar and chain(just worn) for $150. Was that as dumb as I now think it was or was that price just 'OK'? I really don't need another small saw but I could sell my old reliable 029 and probably get the same money.

Thanks, John.........
If the piston was in good shape, I think anything under $200 is a nice buy for a 'good' 026. This Fall when the woodcutting season starts they go bonkers on ebay for an 026, some times paying almost as much as new one cost.
Looking at my parts list one pawl appears to be the norm for the 029.

My 025 only has one and its plastic at that, but it works every time so I can't badmouth it at all. I'm sure stihl has engingeered it to be strong enough. its like the way the 60's lotuses were designed. make the parts lighter and lighter until reliability is compromised and then add a little back to the part. As far as the 026 it sounds like a fair deal but, not a once in a life time type of thing. If it is something you want or need, get it
