Hmmm... That's odd, the wording you chose to use in this most recent post is quite contradictory to the wording in the post of yours in which I was replying to originally.
In your original post you said the following...
Displaying doubt throughout it's entirety.
Now you say
"Well I do know about that!" even using an exclamation point, as if to be a smart ass.
Kind of an odd way to respond to a person considering the historical context of the discussion.
But anyway, without looking and without remembering the exact color, I had just remembered seeing this picture posted in this thread, and thougt that was the saw he was referring to.
And I already caught my mistake, as you can see in this response I gave before you even posted.
What's the point of my post? I find that an odd question as well, because I've said the same thing I said in that post to my best friend who is a logger, and to a few guys he works with, and every one of them knew exactly what my point was. It's pretty damn cut and dry... Are you even being serious? I don't really know if I should actually go into an explanation or not, because if you're just kidding I'd be wasting my time.
Though I suppose I could give a short explanation just in case.
My point is a couple different things. First of all, that since getting the new saw my interest has moved away from the old saw, since I don't really have much use for it any more. And this is partially why I mentioned the weight of the two saws... Why carry around a much less powerful and slower saw when it presents only limitations, and no benefits? the older say doesn't have a brake, doesn't have a full wrap handle, isn't as comfortable, and isn't as well balanced.
And also, these are the two saws I own... Why would I compare it to some other saw that I don't own, nor ever will own? The comparison I made relates to me personally, and effects me personally, it's not just some theoretical comparison for the hell of it, that has absolutely nothing to do with me.
That's my point.
If you are in fact serious in your questioning, I'll end in saying that taking advantage of our unique ability of advanced abstract thought as human beings, and using the concept of simple deduction and using basic reasoning skills, can be very helpful in eliminating the need to ask such questions.
Still I'm not completely sure as to whether you were being a smart ass or not, so let me know, and when I receive your answer, I'll adjust the nature of any of my future responses to you accordingly.