MM is write on several points-...........
O noooooooo, i can't say that!!!
But seriously, i ain't done me no 150 crane jobs, in fact rig when others say i need or require crane!
i think the cut, evacuate, let crane take by flexing snap or narrow hinge (that contrary to all the felling stuff, shears early). Unless, there is such structurall weakness that it wouldn't take a snap. i also taake my loop runners with me to hitch off dead wood that might injure people or property by coming off during crane handling! Also, one of my first concerns at every stop is to open up window between myself and operator.
As far as riding the ball up, your not supposed to, but i have tied in with a round turn on the hook with lanyard; backed up by choked lifeline redirect sling, with lifeline loop on top. That is 3x tied in, lifted by a device with a SWL of 30-100 tons. i have 'em place me high center, tie lifeline in (break tail apart ie. seperate tail) leaving 2 connections to the hook. Then change over to tree support. Not recommending breaking code, just being honest! As long as ya don't get slapped around, against tree by wind or opertator, i think that is fairly positive. then i might slacken life line and have hook deliver me to high vertical, choke off top and repel down. Sometimes, have a seperate 40' line, for tying into choke point, and coming down it, rather than being pulled towards my main tie in.
Mostly i try to hitch off limbs with positive bottom weight (choking high) on verticals, letting it invert and other trix can impact that high leverage of the crane with awesome force!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i think cranes are mainly for lifting and moving controlled, steady loads. So i take serious second guessing before triying to much swivelling, dropping into the hook etc. Also, the cable has less buffering than a line, so any impacting is even more dangerous, especially with the heavy loads that require a crane.
Nice hinge control and scheduling coydawgy! Another thing we might do if front is clear (or other open box) is swivel limb (if necessary) let heavy head down in box (now green is heavy so you don't have to go to the extreme point to set it); then cut off (ground is supporting head), nad have crane pick up limb from this position; once again butt is light here so it comes up. Once again all lifting action by crane, no shock.
Get the crane as close as possible, extend the boom as much as posssible, use gib when reasonable. These all put the boom at less of an angle (more vertical-strongest position), so is more positive lifting. Even if let down zone is a lil farther away, than tree; it is probably easier to see; and it is easier (IMAO) for the crane to lift the weight close, then throw the load away smoothly to clear zone, than to lift at slighter disadvantage do to angle of support. A crane is rated by how much support at what angle; just like you could hold a bucket of sand up longer (arm extended) at 1:00 than 2:00 or 3:00 etc.
P.S>jsut posted as Spike was too, i try always to dawg in at an imperfetion with choker, or make my own, if in doubt i've given choker a round turn before threading eye.