Here's a point of reference.
I fetched "crane3.jpg". It took 4 minutes 52 seconds to arrive at 5.3 KB/s over the POTS modem as a 1,577,971 byte file named "12795.jpg".
Then I opened a terminal window and at the command prompt entered the command (in the same directory as the file landed):
<font face="fixed" size="-1">convert -resize 40% -gamma 1.4 -rotate 90 -sharpen 0x1 12795.jpg 12795.mod.jpg</font>
which command took 17.8 seconds to run on the 233 MHz computer, resulting in a 148,027 byte file named "12795.mod.jpg", attached below (still large in size byte-wise for attachments here, which should really be kept to around 100KB).
Now maybe all that's too hard to remember how to do, but I don't see how in the world it's any harder than jumping through all them hoops just described in the post above.
The program "convert" is available as part of a free package from and while in my (unix) version all the (very many) manipulation routines are available through popup menus via the image displayer, it has come to my attention that they are mostly not incorporated into the display program with the Windows version. The command-line version of the program for Windows is fully capable, I would guess. The direct commands are faster anyway since no screen updates need to be made at all the various stages. Not only can the images be manipulated, but they can be converted between virtually all known image file types, certainly more than most people typically encounter. "contact" sheets can be readily made with thumbnail prints arrayed in a grid, with various information regarding the originals noted by each one, etc. Extremely powerful and capable stuff, and safe, fast, and free.