crew production $s

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Apr 20, 2002
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suburban Philadelphia, Pa
How much money would you think a good crew with a "mediocre at best" lead climber, second climber with 6-8 years experience,serving primarily as lead rope man, and two additional groundmen, should gross in a month?

Driving a 14' forrestry body dump most days... big chipper (maybe 120 HP no winch) and either a Carlton 75 HP tow behind or a Rayco RG-50 stump grinder... Doing primarily takedowns with occasional use of a 75' bucket and somewhat less use of a crane..

Almost all work is high end residential with established clientel and big trees (east coast big).. plenty of pruning thrown in the mix and log pick up with company owned prentice boom truck, as needed.. Expected to work in all but heavy rain and snow.... and a very occasional Saturday....

So that's a four man crew with plenty of hardware in the mix....

Now if the company averaged 50K/man/year that would be 200K/year
200K/12 months= 16.6K month... Given all the hardware and good $ clients maybe you could double that so each man made the company 100K/year... That would mean the crew produced about 33K/month..

Do you think that is about right for a mediocre at best climber on a four man crew? If not how much do you think they should produce in a month..
monthly gross

33k a mont is definately within reason breaks down to about 8250 a wk 1650 a day based on a 5 day week if your in the philly area you should have an even higher daily gross. at 1650 a day thats only 183 $per hour for a 4 man crew should be higher should shoot for between 3 -400 per hour for your crew were in NY and we try to average even higher than that. if your in a highly competetive area its better to work 5-6 days at 1650 than 3-4 at 2500 a day kenny
That seems easily obtainable, if bids are houred properly. Seems like they should be able to avg 2000.00 a day.
I think a good crew should average a take in of about 5k a day up to 8 on average. A really good day 10k. Oh wait thats what we do. When I worked for a regular company it was an average of 2k a day.
hay big john your crew only does above average when i'm there to lower those big ass pieces you like to take. and when big brother doesn't show up. to till us how to do your jobs.


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The $33K a month sounds a bit high for a mediocre climber. I'd expect about $20K a month average.
Originally posted by BigJohn
I think a good crew should average a take in of about 5k a day up to 8 on average. A really good day 10k. Oh wait thats what we do. When I worked for a regular company it was an average of 2k a day.
wow, I am by no means a badass, but i call into question those numbers, so you averaged 25,000.00 a week? My best year with a 5 man team was just over 800,00.00 and that was running a slave ship in one of the richest areas in the West. You must have it all, An excellent sales arborist, one of the best crews imaginable, and alot of high end work. Slow down John cause I'm banged up and I'm nowhere near your production rates, and I got a miniscule chunk of that, even less for my crew.
Hmm.... Reportedly a certain local shoots for $90 per hour for equip and 3 men. At $60 per hour for equip and one man another guy generally bids lower-which says a lot about productivity. One thing I know-I haven't been charging enough.:rolleyes:
i guess the real question is 'how much needs to be made before wages'that equipment could cost 50k to 300k.bigger isnt always better
Originally posted by aussie_lopa
i guess the real question is 'how much needs to be made before wages'that equipment could cost 50k to 300k.bigger isnt always better
Good point, gotta look at the bottom line.

But I do think there is an altruistic benefit of employing more people and performing more work if you're doing a good job.
Any more than 20 climbers /cutters in the tree game and your carting bagage,its a double edge. once you employ 20 you may as well have 200 the infostructure is similar,office staff/field officers might go up from 3 to 8-10 workshop mechanics 1-4,if your bankrolling with 20 employees theyll lend you everything.cut/climbed 3000 spans a few years back at 120 p/s :rolleyes: wheres that gone lol(between 2)and lease/fuel of versalift 60k

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