Team motivation ; working with the same guys and keeping motivated.

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How to keep morale up? That can be difficult. I find that by supplying my guys with unlimited quantities of alcohol, drugs and whores can be a god motivator. Also, I try not to push the crews when it is cold and rainy.
ya just gotta find other ways to give yourself a treat are treating and hurting yourself at the same time. Not so much with a giant double chocolate milkshake or a bag of mini Reece Cups all in your mouth at the same time. An abuser is gonna abuse...takes one to know one. :)
How to keep morale up? That can be difficult. I find that by supplying my guys with unlimited quantities of alcohol, drugs and whores can be a god motivator. Also, I try not to push the crews when it is cold and rainy.

I don't see how spoiling them is gonna help matters any. Sad thing is, some of the best motivators I've ever seen in this business have also been the most tyrannical ******** you can imagine. Unfortunately, they also had a high turnover rate with employees. In general though, most of the idiots attracted to this line of work respond well to being yelled at like dogs. Me, I don't really brother with the whole yelling thing anymore.. unless someone does something real stupid, then sometimes in the heat of work, its kinda hard not to.
when you start "dealing with people instead of doing the dirty work" you have then become an "administrator" and not a treeman. You may USED to have been a treeman or are GOING TO BE a treeman...but you ain't no treeman anymore. If I had my druthers...someone else would sell the work (good sales), fix the fkn equipment, deal with the books and bills...and I'd get my ass as dirty as I could ALL day and ALL year and make a tractor trailer load of money and laugh at all the prissy well dressed CLEAN staff, all the way to the bank likely making twice as much as any one of them on the face of this earth. :popcorn: errr woof!

I'm out every day climbing or working a bucket. I just can't stand dealing with people.
When your raking and no one is talking just let out a good MEOW, it will get the guys laughing!

I used to have a way excellent series of crow calls up in the tree tops back in the day. Mebee I should go back to em and that would keep the help entertained and they'd stay and perform better lol.
I think if you got a sexy kick ass tree service with a huge rep swingin between its legs...helps keep em a little compared to a hack op.
Beer and pickled eggs. Yep, real good laughter for the next day!
Would someone please tell me how to rotate my pics. I load them then there sideways. WTF
I've figured out a happy crew is a productive crew. We all get along great and screw around with each other and laugh about stupid **** all day long but we get our work done while doing it.

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Grabbing a ground man a 1 dollar double cheeseburger goes a long way!!! But most will just come to expect it...
I got rid of employees, now I just use child labor. If they don't do what I want, I beat them, ground them and send them to bed without dinner.

Actually, now that the boys come out with me often, Brando full time, we have become much closer, they see what I have been doing for them all these years, so the respect for the old man gained good ground. We have fun on the job, but never to the point we are distracted. They tell me about their conquest's and show me pics....... and I dream of being young, dum and full of ......... a phone with pics of hot young babes.
Did a (to them a scary)big leaning spar removal this week, competition chickened out and bailed on lady (probably after they heard about all the accidents at the place) boys where freakin too. I heard my youngest telling his buddy later that night "My dad is Fing crazy, you should have seen what he did today" Made me feel good knowing that the game system and those nice clothes are more appreciated. Truth is, the spar was easy peasy, but I wont tell them that.
Grabbing a ground man a 1 dollar double cheeseburger goes a long way!!! But most will just come to expect it...
That is true too, I used to buy lunch for the guys, often as I could, but then, like u said, it became entitlement. With my kids, it don't count.
We mainly talk about food, and poon. If we're in a neighborhood that has a good supply of either then that lifts moral. If we're in a neighborhood that has both then it's smiles all round.

If I wear earplugs all day it sure cheers me up. Then I don't have to listen to the other guys ;-)