The front line workeres need and inscentive. Most younger people need shorter goal setting, so the biweekly time frame seems better.
On that note, maybe a quarterly payout for the crew leaders would seem more realistic, then another annual payout if the budget looks good.
Separate it from the paycheck for the workers, at least in the begining. Then it is more tangible.
Maybe bonus for inhouse repair, a separate payscale maybe.
Ensure that it is only preventable accidents that are held acountable, this maintains the element of fairness. e.g. if a saw seizes and it is determined that it is not operator error, or poor maintinance on the crews part, then this is a casualty absorbed by the company.
If it from not mixing the fuel right then it comes from the crews "bonus account". If one fellow has a tendancy to gound saws regularly, then a couple chains get bought with his "disbursement", or with each disbursement comes an accounting bill for repairs for that calander period, the remainder of the funds are in the check (or a handfull of loose change)
$25/wk = 1300/ man year or 3900/crew year (minus the leader). Leaving 1100 in what is budgeted for the current program for the leader. So maybe 50-70/month would fit for the initial program better?
You and your fellow leader need to figure out what would be a reasonable split, 2500/4=625 per quarter for the foreman bonus.
(2500/3)/12=66 per man-month for the crew.
round your quarterly to 500/QTR and you have an additional 500 available for the annual "kicker"
with the crew, do say $60/month abd they have a $200 kicker available at year end.