I've been experimenting with my 6' bar to see how I can get around the bar sag issue (insert joke here) as when I mount that on the mill I get about 1/4" droop (insert joke here as well). Right now I'm trying to fabricate something similar to what BobL has done with an independant nose for chain tension, but with another tensioner to "pull" the bar tight and prevent it from sagging.
I figure in this manner I can put as much tension on the actual bar as I want, then tension the chain separately. I have found that it takes a significant amount of tension to take the sag out, and will likely have to bulk up other components of the mill to handle the strain, but that it can be done.
And I completely agree with the last statement. My "$200" mill is going to end up being 2-3x more expensive than planned. Unless of course if you ask my wife, because as far as she knows I am on-budget and schedule.