ArboristSite Guru
Today I went to bid on a small Silver Maple that was growing about 12 feet from a Blue Spruce. The bid was to take the Silver Maple's branches back to laterals, to get the Maple's canopy away from the Spruce's canopy. So I get done checking out the job and go to talk to the customer about it. This older lady, around the mid 60's, tells me that she doesn't have a Silver Maple in her back yard, nor would she ever plant one back there. So after trying to nicely tell her that the Maple tree in her backyard is a Silver Maple, she still did not believe me.
What really pisses me off is not the fact of her ignorance, but the fact that she questions me. Me, a Tree Care Worker, she called me for the job. I did not call her for the job or for her "superior intellect".
What really pisses me off is not the fact of her ignorance, but the fact that she questions me. Me, a Tree Care Worker, she called me for the job. I did not call her for the job or for her "superior intellect".