Cut'n chuck question

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Nov 3, 2011
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So, I jokingly suggested to a HO that I could just drop a tree on a derelict shed that he wants gone. I was just joking but he seems to like the idea. Now He actually wants me to cut'n chuck big pieces onto the shed to smash it. Wtf?!?!
In not sure I'm into that. I think it's unprofessional and what not.
I can see it saving him lots of time but I wouldn't want to get stuck cleaning up such a mess.

Would you do it?
NOPE, it would be fun, I have smashed some stuff on purpose, that shed I posted up a while back, but, I had to chase after all the material thru the carnage, and that was not fun.
If there are no trees close by he could just burn the shed.
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So, I jokingly suggested to a HO that I could just drop a tree on a derelict shed that he wants gone. I was just joking but he seems to like the idea. Now He actually wants me to cut'n chuck big pieces onto the shed to smash it. Wtf?!?!
In not sure I'm into that. I think it's unprofessional and what not.
I can see it saving him lots of time but I wouldn't want to get stuck cleaning up such a mess.

Would you do it?

Get it all in writing... including not having to clean the wood out of the shed.
I actually have gotten the job of removing trees and the buildings that they incurred damage upon twice in the past couple of weeks. I rigged and dropped the trees to avoid a mess and uphold professionalism on the site. The white block building is coming down next week, I made the decision that it was better to drop the tree without making the building more unstable.
Wouldn't it be easier and cheaper to remove the shed first?

I would have been, the homeowner didn't present the job in that manner though. There was only a few branches and pieces of trunk that were rigged because of it. I will be much safer to cut the trunk down after the building is removed, I was worried about the building falling as the trunk was removed from the corner.
Hard to say. I likely wouldnt but who doesnt like things being smashed in and creating mayhem. The customer wont be the one cleaning it up and if your in an urban environment with a bunch of neighbours watching, likely not a good idea.
I did a removal on a huge fir tree next to a little cabin, the cabin was going to be demoed in a few days by us. At first I was told I could just smash the cabin. Was really looking forward to it. I wanted to ware an old shirt with a name of a now out of business company I use to work for. I lined up a guy to film it. was going to make it look like an accident and put it on you tube. I could hardly wait.
That morning the boss changed his mind, said it would make the demo harder.(it had a basement) even with a cat.
Unprofessional, yes. A more difficult and dangerous clean up, yes. Was I disappointed? Darn right I was.
sounds more like an insurance scam, tree smashes shed ho claims shed on ho ins. Ho Ins goes after your ins, your rates go up or worst case they cancel. seen it before.

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