If I were magically in charge, one thing I'd do is rotate the pro cutters into different areas every two years. Maybe a three Forest/District area for the rotation.
1) Any of us can learn a lot from each of these guys, spread the knowledge around.
2) An occasional Pro caters too well to the sucking up syndrome. The Lead Certifier may be a using a more consistent standard if he knows someone who takes his job seriously is coming by next year.
John Pullman went down to R-3 a few years back and ended up dropping several folks from C to A. He is one of the great cutters I have had the privilege of seeing and as a teacher/cutter combination I believe him to be the best.
Usually the best way to document anything is with photos. However, the nervousness factor can be huge for someone doing their first or second cert.
That would be Pollman with an O. Neat guy, sells insurance now because he got hurt in an auto wreck. He cuts the stuff around here that we won't touch.