Ok, I'll explain the situation to see if it makes a difference in chains. I can put on a freshly sharpened (ground, then "touched up" with a hand file) chipper chain. I cut through the "normal" part of the trunk and it cuts so fast, I have to be careful of the exit. The wood is fairly soft, and it goes through fast (yes, the rakers are fine, a little shallow if anything). Now when I need to cut through a knot, I would say almost half of them, are so tough It's worse than cutting hardwood. I know the chain is getting warm (I checked). I've never really run into this problem on such a large scale before. Chisel chain? or change the angles I'm running 60/25/10. The 25 angle seems to best match a new Stihl chain (at least going by the settings in the grinder). Oh, I'm using my 036 for the knots.