Dave Neiger and the Infamous Oleo Mac 999

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bwalker said:
Has that p[iston been seized? If so what caused it?

Hey Ben....Regardless, why didn't ehp do what Big Dave did to the 999 to make it run?.....Who screwed Gypo the worst?.........Hahahahaha!
I aksed Ed this on the other forum and according to him he kept it mild because John intended to mill with it. I also seem to remember that John did use it as a mill saw and that it did run well judging by the video posted of it after Ed fixed it.
[QUOTEBen.....Why did he change the piston if it wasn't scored. Why did he say the cylinder was junk?][/QUOTE]
Dennis, I think only Ed could answer that. Who knowes what the truth is.
BTW your PM box is down.
bwalker said:
I aksed Ed this on the other forum and according to him he kept it mild because John intended to mill with it. I also seem to remember that John did use it as a mill saw and that it did run well judging by the video posted of it after Ed fixed it.
No Ben, I didn't buy the saw to mill with it. Ed simply said I should pawn it off to someone who wanted to do some chainsaw milling because he said the saw was beyond repair which obviously it wasn't.
The fact I had casually milled one cherry log with it 3 years later was merely coincidental. Plus, you don't retard a motor to mill with it.
Go ask Ed why he said it needed a new jug and was beyond repair.
bwalker said:
Or maybe it had to do with some bogus machine work by Slozer?

The cylinder is in excellent shape, with hardly anything done to it. It was more like DD did a muffler mod! Hahahahaha!

Ben....I don't have PM privliages only more. Try PMing me at Hotsaws. Dennis
I just thought of a good comeback for a sawbuilder if a customer is disatisfied with their work.

"Oh! I didn't know you wanted to cut wood with it!"
Ciccora- A legend in his own mind! Hahaha

Here's WJ checking the specs of a Big Bore 090 while Big Dave examines the piston in the background.

Dennis Cahoon said:
The cylinder is in excellent shape, with hardly anything done to it. It was more like DD did a muffler mod! Hahahahaha!


Dennis you are excatally rite I seen it in person.......... I'm not taking someone word for it or some thing i read. Simply their wasn't any machine work done what so ever other than the base had been turned down that's it anyone saying their was any machine work done to the piston is full of it!
The marks on the piston if i had to guess are from a bur that was not cleaned off before sliding the cly down over the piston to check timing nothing 30sec wouldn't have fixed.

Its a Damn shame some have to keep beating a dead horse and are so blind and brain washed they can't see past their nose. I think the whole BS with Ed and this saw is nothing more than just another scame and lie to make other saw builder look bad. its not like it the first time rite Ken.
My personal opinion both of the bozo's that worked on this saw should be ashamed and as far as the bs about a milling saw well lets just say it has a whole lot more balls now than it did before and I'm talking from running the saw before and after not hearsay!
His own words!!!!!!!!!!

Hear is a post that EHP made some time back about the infamous 999.

11-08-2004, 09:38 AM #83

Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Haliburton
Posts: 4,135
It takes all kinds now doesn't it.
yes I said the 999 ran and would be good for a mill saw, but after I opened it up I am glad I did,
I donot see why that saw will not fly, it has a wider skirt piston than a 2100 has , a 3120 style carb with a little smaller bore size.
I do see why it will not fly right now but those numbers will be changed, I have no problems making a efco saw fly. And when fixed this saw will run as fast as the others like the 9010ehp
woodsjunkie said:
Hear is a post that EHP made some time back about the infamous 999.

11-08-2004, 09:38 AM #83

I donot see why that saw will not fly, it has a wider skirt piston than a 2100 has , a 3120 style carb with a little smaller bore size.
I do see why it will not fly right now but those numbers will be changed, I have no problems making a efco saw fly. And when fixed this saw will run as fast as the others like the 9010ehp

:cry: Well all be! Hahahahahahaha! Another Bull$hit story....proven with EHP's own words....not from a Pm's....right out of the A.S. archives. :cheers:
Believe it or DON"T.......AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHA!:monkey:
Dennis, it just goes to show you you have to be careful about who you let build your saws.
The good thing is that the 999 survived two sets of meathooks and survived
and found it's way into a real sawbuilders hands.:yoyo:
Can you show us the finish that dave put on the ports compared to some **** job work? Also, did you pick up any tips from big Dave while you were there?


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