Davey People

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ArboristSite Guru
Apr 7, 2002
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Yesterday was Arbor Day here in Pittsburgh, when working in the height of the festivities I was offered a job from Davey for the summer. I would just like to hear some input from past and present employees regarding the company.
Wasn't there a NJ poster a year or so ago that worked for Davey then got laid off in the slow season? I would find out if this might become a problem for you, too.

Also, I've heard rumors that at many Davey offices you can only use company issue gear and company mandated knots. Only the blakes and only a saddle that few here would use. I don't know if this is for ALL Davey offices, or just some of them.

Working for Davey probably would be a step backwards for you, though you might try it for a week and see if you see anything there for you to learn. Are they doing line clearnace out your way?
How's biz?
Questions about the big companies, Davey, Asplundh, Bartlett have come up many times before. I would guess most of the private smaller -mid size companies around today at one time were employees of the big guys or came out of a family business. My opinion of them is they can possibly be good training jobs and learn some basic skills, but be prepared for layoffs and general corporate nonsense. They usually have a strict policy towards gear and safety issues which can be good if you know little about either. Might be a good learning experience as a summer job and never hurts to make some new contacts if you decide to continue in the biz. Good Luck.
Never heard anything good about Davey up here, lots of guys that have worked there have nothing but contempt and dislike. We heard that Davey's utility fell a tree on a transmission line that also had a distribution underbuild on it, putting power out for many hours. They didn't have a permit to work on the line so it is going to really hit the fan when the investigation is complete, thankfully no one got zapped. People that had worked there were just howling, almost peing there pants laughing. I guess that says something, oh well maybe you will like them. Thats just up here.
Hey, Murph
I got a job with Bartlett, but I don't think it will last long. I am an ISA Cert. Arborist with practical experience and making $12.00 an hour. F@CK!
Ya I hear ya...
Want to move to Philly.
There's a big outfit looking for Certified arborists with a good package and plenty of growth oportunities... They are trying to put 5 crews together in each of three locations. The company presently has over 400 employees and is looking to expand the tree care end of it.
If not you maybe someone else... Email me
I started with Davey and then went off on my own. It was just a summer job for two summers in college, so the layoff part did not concern me. I quit before they wanted me to both years. I was on a city elm removal contract the first year and did entirely residential work the second. Lot of big estates in Youngstown, Poland, Boardman area of Ohio. I was with a great crew, learned to climb at their old school in Kent and thoroughly enjoyed it. And the pay was fanatastic $2.15/hour.
My old groundie met a guy from the Davey office in Boulder. The guy had nothing but great things to say about the company. But then again thats the way most company guys are. I know that all the Asplundh management will say that it is the greatest company in the world. I almost took a job with Davey last year, and glad I didnt because they dont even have a crew here now. Hmmmmmmmm????

I worked for Davey one year, plus a day, just to be fair.

Then I quit.

They hired anyone who applied, a revolving door for anyone, from ISA certs to never worn a pair of boots before. Every move they made was haphazard, nothing ever got more planning than a split-second decision.

They lied to me (and others) about the company and what they would and would not provide.

They lied to me about the wages I would make, ageeing to my demand during the interview phase, then renegotiating after I had moved 4500km to take the job and they had me by the nuts.

When I asked if they had a Port-a-Wrap, they didn't know what I was talking about. I was taken into the office to discuss my use of a cambium saver, I was told spurring would have been faster.

When I confronted Davey management about their lies, I was told it was just business, nothing personal, just the way it had to be.

At Davey, it seems, lies are standard business.

So, get what you can from Davey, then move on to a proper job.
