Day work around the US

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Tom Dunlap

Addicted to ArboristSite
Jun 17, 2001
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Austin...but I'm 'from' Minnesota
In the next few months I want to set up some work in various cities around the US. My goal is to be able to
afford to be a weekend tourist and work Monday-Tuesday and maybe Wednesday to cover the expenses.

I would be willing to do production treework or crew training too. This is an opportunity to have a highly
competent climber/trainer at a pretty reasonable price. Doing an on the job training is pretty cheap since the
company still makes production and the crew goes to their own homes at night.

Please drop me an email if this proposition has any possibilities for your operation.

You can come to Greensboro and do some of my paperwork! :)

I like your idea, why not pitch it to ISA or TCI magazines and do a repeat column; something like TD's Road Report or even better, Tour de Tom! You could write about were you've been for the past month, what trees you worked on and stuff like that-the whole experience.

I think people are really interested in how work is being done in other parts of the country, where the trees and weather are very different. Good luck.
What are the chances that you will run into someone, in your travels, that none of the locals are willing to deal with? The isolationist may be so entranced with their own world, that they can no longer listen to reason. So, they need to recruit outside their area, preying on unsuspecting visitors.

I travel around quite a bit, and have been exposed to a fascinating mix of forests and arborists. Just seeing the disparate combinations of techniques and gear in use today is a real education. I have a policy of being quite clear about terms and conditions of work, however. Good understanding is the key to a satisfying business relationship.
WE had -41 in the area this morning, but the good new is it will be 75 degrees warmer on friday. Suppose you folks in Florida would worry a little if you heard the temperature was going up 75 degrees in a couple of days, but that will still leave us another 75 degrees to go up to our warmest day next summer. Boy it must be boring down south!!!!!

Don't make me laugh.
I'm freezing and I'm inside, you can't go out without having your face freeze and fall off.
There are plenty of tree jobs out hear.about $ 9 per hr. only thing there is no training classes. Just have pick em up truck & saw & your in buisness. Have to work mucho OT the rooms & hotels are rented out by the hr. it rranges from 5 to 20 $ per hr. for sleep.