Deepest condolences...
Dear Mike and Family,
I could not hold back the tears, I haven’t heard from my daughter in a couple of days and get very worried if this is the case having bought her a mobile last year, Chloe Rhianna is 10 yrs old and lives with her Mother 1600 klms (1000 miles) south of here…
I always tell “Rhi” (Squidge, sos, bah-bah, sossy bear, bah-noise, nee-a-huh, squidgy-bah-bah, Rhi-nanna, Rhi-ranna, young-lady! And the list goes on and on…) how beautiful she is and created a little analogy many years ago in telling “Rhi” I had been blessed with the most precious treasure on Earth when she was born and was the luckiest man alive because that treasure just keeps growing and becoming more and more beautiful every day…
I cannot imagine how devastated I would be if my angel died, it is hard enough being distanced from her…
And at times like these God seems to become very relevant as I/we cry out for your loss and for protection of our families…
Peace be with you Mike, your friend in trees and angelic daughters,
J. A. T. Hume-Cook