difference between 041 AV & Farmboss

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ArboristSite Lurker
Dec 25, 2005
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i have a running 041 AV and a 041 Farmboss parts saw (a number of parts missing) to use to keep the 041 AV in repair as needed. i've noted some differences in the two saws: the handles, clutch cover, clutch and hand guard are different

are there any substantive differences in the two saws? is the AV/Farmboss distinction primarily marketing or is there something more?
There was an 041 and an 041AV. Anti vibration was the main difference. The Farmboss label was/is a marketing thing, it has been applied to 041's, 031's, 029's and probably others. Piston and cylinder are different part numbers ofr the 041 and 041AV.
sedanman said:
There was an 041 and an 041AV. Anti vibration was the main difference. The Farmboss label was/is a marketing thing, it has been applied to 041's, 031's, 029's and probably others. Piston and cylinder are different part numbers ofr the 041 and 041AV.

Heck, I don't notice much difference in vibration! Both are finger numbing arm shakers.... :laugh:

There are quite a few differences between FB and AV, like the availability of a chain brake on the AV, movement to electronic ignition on later models etc etc.. The FB is the earlier model. The AV electronic is a very nice saw... still numbs me though..