discouraging people, hurtfull remarks, why?

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used to be if you wanted to do a job you would get hired and be an apprentice or learn what you needed to learn on the job where you would actually understand/remember it. Oh....and you were learning to do it while EARNING money, NOT PAYING IT!
This pay $$$,$$$ to get a piece of paper and then working for the rest of your life to pay for it is NONSENSE!!!! All school does is hold everyone back. Learn it in the real world.
Im soon to be 36, and was blue collar all my life. Now Im in college and hoping to get out and get a decent job with the state doing it again:bang:
Hey bannshee,All I can say is we are living in strange days.There is a very sad reality in America today.If you make alot of money and walk around with a puss on your face and disrespect people than your a hipster.Poeple who criticize other poeple for what they do for a living are cowards.Often the arogance comes from the parents.I raised my son to respect people whatever they do for a living.The world is overpopulated with elitist,progressive brats that remain ignorant regardless of how much education they have.
You should feel lucky. People like that feel your low and your an (I'm assuming) a professional arborist. My main line of work is as a gardener. You should imagine the crap i have herd. Even from other blue collar people. Many of which don't even seem to know much about their own professions. I actually had a very similar conversation with a jerk who ran a grocery store and had a 4 year business degree and thought he was pretty special.

the conversation ended on a sour note after he told me anyone could do my job and I exclaimed " and anyone couldn't go to a community college and regurgitate enough crap to get a business degree. you just have to be willing to wear the dog collar you got on! I come and go as I please. you lick the boot."

He didn't like that very much
why do some people feel the need to insult others, for no reason? is it because they are miserable inside? they are unhappy with themselves, they hate their own lives? so they want to try and convey some of that hatred and despair onto you?
talking with someone today, i mentioned the rain had been messin up my week, they asked why so, i said because i work outdoors and i cant really work in the rain.
their response was "you should go to college and get a real job...youll never make any money working outside, maybe if youre in highschool its ok"...
.. dumbfounded by the sheer ignorance, i didnt know what to say. first off i wasnt aware that the amount of money earned was the key to hapiness, and secondly couldnt believe the way an almost stranger was talking to me.
i asked well what about all the successful small business owners around here that make this country tick , should they all "go to college and get real jobs? i guess their nice houses, trucks and equipment are all meaningless because they dont say BMW anywhere and their owner doesnt have a framed college degree on his wall inside?
this person then exclaimed that outdoor work was "for mexicans and highschool kids" and that i will never make anything of myself unless i go to college and work INDOORS for some reason. keep in mind this is coming from the mouth of a 27 year old female who i hardly even know...!
all i was doing was making small talk.. and im lashed out against and called a loser for working outside?
some days i wish i did finish college.. other days i dont care. i hate to admit it, but sometimes people like get to me.. i know ti shouldnt, but i cant help it. sometimes it hurts, ya know?
i cant help but think others agree with her twisted ####ed up reasoning and immediately write someone like me off , because i didnt graduate from college and i dont drive a bmw and work outside with my hands.
im 26 years old and have heard this many times before, but today it really hurt, i dont know why. here i am thinking im doin pretty good between some landscaping accounts and selling firewood on the side, coming out of the slump/depression ive been going through for a few years, and someone like this comes along and tries their hardest to put me right back in it. i just dont get it. what did i do wrong? all i was doing was making small talk... i never asked you where you work or how much money you make, in fact i never even asked why you wernt AT WORK at 3pm on a monday afternoon, i clearly gave my excuse for why i wasnt.. :dizzy: i guess when youre a 27 year old college student, no explanation is needed, right?
i never really saw or understood the divide between blue and white collar (or no collar that think they are white collar) , but everyday it gets clearer to me, and i still dont know which one i am, if any... all in all.. im just really tryin to figure out why you would wana put someones life down like that and try to hurt their feelings for no reason? in the future should i just hold my hands out and present people with a view of my battered hands so they can see i work with them, outdoors, and save them the trouble of wasting their college educated breathe on me? lol , but really.. ouch.. that hurt my feelings today, for real...
ignorance is such a powerful weapon, dont people understand without men like the ones on this forum and other forums like it, life as they know it would cease to exist?
why waste your life worrying about others lives, and what they do?
all i want is to be happy, i dont care if im ever rich, i just want my own little place on this earth to enjoy and be happy, is that too much to ask?
one thing i know i got straight is that i dont take anything for granite in life. i am thankful for everything i have and i couldnt imagine going out of my way to try and hurt someones feelings about what they do for a job.
thanks for reading.
hope the rain stops so i can go cut some trees and clear my head

She's just an idiot. Her value system is screwed up. Probably not a very happy person, in that sense not very successful either.
used to be if you wanted to do a job you would get hired and be an apprentice or learn what you needed to learn on the job where you would actually understand/remember it. Oh....and you were learning to do it while EARNING money, NOT PAYING IT!

Yeah! That's how I started, and then earned enough money while an apprentice to go to college after and PAY my way!! No loans...ahhh gotta love vocational education...ohhh I forgot some people think that's code for retarded because apparently you aren't 'academic'...ha ha, I nickname my self an 'Academic Tradesman'...bust their eardrums with scientific names, and tree biomechanics and wood decay strategies...she'll crawl away bleeding from the ears! :blob2::blob2:
when they say this

"you should go to college and get a real job...youll never make any money working outside, maybe if youre in highschool its ok"...

outdoor work was "for mexicans and highschool kids" and that i will never make anything of myself unless i go to college and work INDOORS for some reason.

I laugh and say, "I paid more in taxes last year than you'll make with your college degree"....lol...
Shes a college ediot that probably knows nothing more than she learnt in school and has no idea how the world goes around. Id had to asked her if she liked being able to take a chit inside, or having running water, driving her bmw on paved roads, the list goes on and on and on.

I wouldnt worry about it, she done showed you that she dont have a clue. Money isnt ever thing, but i know alot of people that work outside and make a great living. I work outside and have my whole life, and im making it just fine.:)
See, I went to college, and I've worked as a corporate manager. Even made that a career for 15 years. I suppose you could say I turned away and farted in face of "success" just as she was starting to smile at me. Success is a fickle ##### anyway. Now I piece a living together as a photographer, tree guy/handyman and fishing guide, and am a far more contented person than I was pulling 70-hour work weeks, mainlining tums and pacing the floor with worry.

Now I sleep at night. Now I drink a beer and work a short day if I want. Now I enjoy my free time, and even get up to a little mischief on forums like this one. :)

It's threads like this that reinforce the value of posting on sites like AS instead of MastersoftheCorporateUniverse.com. Y'all are good company in here. Keep your head up and have a good time living your life, Banshee. No one can do it for you, and no one can get you down if you don't let them. Meanwhile, we got your back! :D :D
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what a mis informed 27 year old, ha! I call them the educated dumb, why? cuz when something happens like : circuit blows, toilet clogs, cell phone wont work, tire needs changed, etc.. they have to call some one to look at it & then fix it..............I guess theres nothing really wrong with that BUT.....

If she bases happiness on money...... not very bright of her! Ive had bad years where I was so poor I couldnt pay attention & then Ive had good years where those with a masters degree couldnt touch me.............doesnt make me/you any worse or better off than anyone else!

Hmmm..... ya gotta wonder? in the end what was it really all about? I doubt that money in the afterlife or the guy with the he who has more toys wins attitude will be any better off than me.........cuz in the end he/she is just as dead as I am................Live life without care of others thoughts about you, all you can do is what you can do...but do it good!!!!

The girl is going to make a great ex-wife for someone someday.
After reading the OP I skipped every thing to bring up one point. My cousin got a degree in Aeronauticle Engineering. When he got out of school the industry was in the dumps, so he went to work for his dad, doing tree work. His dad built the business into a million dollar a year business. After he passed, my cousin turned it into a multimillion dollar a year business. My uncle and cousin typically are wearing green kahkies, drive modest vehicles, usually a used pick up, and look like an ordinary blue collar worker.

Just for the fun of it, this story cracked me up big time. My brother in law is a licensed electrician. They had a real brain surgeon as a customer. He was scared to death of electricity. The power went out in part of the house and they tried to explain how to check the circuit breakers. He said "No, you have to come do it". All of the crews were 2 man crews, the Master Electrician and a helper. After they gave him the bill he said "I'm a brain surgeon, and I don't make that kind of money. Then out of the blue my BIL's helper says "Yeh, I used to be a brain sergeon too, then I found out how much electricians make, so now I'm his helper"

I never finished my degree in Botany, and I still make more money than most of my old friends that got their degrees. Don't swet it, Joe.
People like that operate on sheer ignorance. 10 to 1 that she comes from money and she's never had to lift a finger all her life. Just imagine what the poor bastard that marries her will be in for.

I was always taught that as long as a man is trying to make an honest living, that he is equal to any other. Tell the truth and work hard and take care of your own business was what I was taught coming up.

To me a ditch digger is as good a living as a stock broker..

I have been in blue collar jobs most of my life and now am in a white collar job. Believe me......I hate this work-environment. It's full of people just like the 27 year old you talked to. I have had so many problems with the "educated" ones, especially the ones with their MBA.

Banshee, people like that aren't worth wasting thought on....they just don't get it and never will. Sadly, this is the type of people we have running this country now....

Take Care!


i liked the guy she marrys part the best but there are people that go to college for years and work "indoors" and still dont make the money a guy does landscaping or logging or something. how can she just assume that because you work outdoors you didnt go to college????? this sounds like someone that has no clue what goes on in real life.. not saying that i do but come on people should do what they like doing no matter how much money you make ..
Funny - I have a MASTERS degree, and now I'm working construction/handyman work and I LOVE it. Making fairly good money, and I'm my own master. In fact, the majority of people with college degrees are not employed in the field in which they received their degree.

Here's a good quote for you: "Be happy when the bad people hate you - it means you're doing something right."

their response was "you should go to college and get a real job...youll never make any money working outside

I'LL NEVER WORK INDOORS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BORRRRRRRING!!! Last year I made $160,000.00 digging holes. From 38 degrees celcius to -38 degree's celcius in all weather in all seasons. I worked for a hydro-vac company, we dug up oil and gas lines with highpressure water and vacuum.

Anyways, you dont have to work indoors to make money. Even ditch diggers make pretty good money. Not many people who went to college and work indoors in an office cubical make that.
LOL, my sister has a masters degree and doesn't make in a month what I make in a week... Sometimes in a day... And she looks at me like I am somehow beneath her sometimes... Of course not at the times when she is borrowing money from me. :D

Of course it is kind of a complex deal. Our livelihood is dependent on their livelihoods. When the white collar folks aren't doing well then the residential tree worker or landscaper suffers as well.

I went to college but didn't graduate. I went back when I was 31 and tried to get a degree and did awesome when I was serious about it. Getting an education was important to me at that point for personal reasons. I worked my way into the honors program at my school and was sporting a 3.7 GPA when health problems forced me to withdraw. I also kept my tree service going full bore during that time. I never will forget the time I had to talk to my math professor in her office and we were having to look something over on her computer. We were pretty friendly and I asked her if she wanted to see my website. I guided her to my first website where I had pictures of myself working in trees. She was amazed. She looked at it and asked me what I was doing in school. I told her I wanted an education. She told me that I would probably never make the kind of money with an education that I make doing what I already do. She wasn't being derogatory in anyway, she was just genuinely curious as to why I was seeking an education.

I meet all kinds of people. Some will look down their nose at you when they find out what you do. They will think you a marginal person when they see you in sweat soaked, dirty work clothes. I love it when I can pull out a knot of money that would choke a donkey and offer to buy their coffee or beer... Yeah, I love that part. :D

Some people go to work everyday for someone else, wear a suit and tie, make 60-200K and think they have arrived. But they never really take a risk. They don't know what it is to risk and sacrifice to build something you are proud of with your own two hands. Not knocking these folks because it is the safe route. It is the stable route. It is probably the best route for someone who is starting out with a young family. Still, they don't know the feeling of being your own boss and the master of your own destiny.

A friend once told me something that made a lot of sense to me: People's lives are their own reward.

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