I set one, a 3816, up for our "Chipper Crew" to use at the beginning of the year. Nothing crazy - just a M.M. (cut the cat and the baffle out, opened the outlet to just over the deflector.[Spark screen still installed - Gvmt property]), re-tuned for the mod - a little fat, and some sticker removal.
It's out of the locker 5 or 6 days a week for the past month. So far, they killed the chain - FROM SHARPENING IT

and cleaned daily

I put a loop of Stihl PC3 - 56 D/L on the 16" FYI - trued and turned the bar. The crew goes to it before the Husky 240 we also have set aside for them.
Pic coming when the camera recharges. They haven't quite wore the labeling off the bar yet - but I'm impressed they haven't killed it yet! It runs on cheap (read contracted) gas and Ultra @ 50:1 with at least 10% corn (haven't tested it recently, but it's been as high as 18) These are the same guys that can f-up a ball bearing!
To be continued...