check out the PA GTG thread. there are some pics starting around page 43 or so i think. if you have 30 logs i think you will have plenty. just have one big one or two for the big saws. i just ask the wife if she wanted to go to a GTG in GA. and all i got wasHow much wood?
That is my current question...
I have never been to a GTG so trying to host one has its challenges. I have no idea how many logs I should have on hand for cookie cutting. I figure if we make one or two inch cookies, a 16' long log should provide quite a few cuts. But how many cookies does a cookie cutter cut at a GTG? Anyone that has been to one and could provide some insight into this?
I am currently moving logs onto the site and within the next couple days expect to have about 30 logs of lengths from 10 to 20 feet long varying from 5" up to about 18"
I don't have any "big wood" yet but hope to come across some prior to the event in Sept.
Probably close to the event (week of) I could use help prepping the grounds. Mowing, string trimming, getting logs set up on stands ready to cut, moving equipment out from under the roofed area so we can have at least some stuff out of the sun and rain, etc. We'll probably have people bring their camp chairs and we have some of that stuff here... By the way, I enjoyed our Mini-GTG the other day.Though it may require a sick day [emoji40], I'm definitely in. Let me know how I can help you get ready. I'm usually off work in the middle if the week.
Probably close to the event (week of) I could use help prepping the grounds. Mowing, string trimming, getting logs set up on stands ready to cut, moving equipment out from under the roofed area so we can have at least some stuff out of the sun and rain, etc. We'll probably have people bring their camp chairs and we have some of that stuff here... By the way, I enjoyed our Mini-GTG the other day.
I have a four footer, but..would need a rollback to move it, and being a yard tree at a cabin that is a hunnert years old I know it has metal in it. Found some already, including a big lag, looks like a gate pin. Bound to be more in there. had some three footers but cut them up already. I have a string down a broiler house I chew at once in awhile, but I think the largest is only around 28-30 inches or so,
That is always a concern with big wood in this area. I've found lots of interesting stuff. Fence wire and nails are a given but log chain, big spikes, metal fence posts and other items can make for a bad day. I have a metal detector (treasure type) but never tried it on wood.
where in pa FOP ?Problem with a big cooking operation is that someone misses the saw action. I have lots of wood (pecan, oak, whatever) so if someone wants to make food instead of chips I'm all for it.
Figured we'd probably have pulled pork bbq, burgers and hotdogs but certainly open to whatever. If I have a chance, I'll do some pig hunting and maybe source some grub that way. Right now I'm concentrating on getting wood to cut. Been traveling a lot so it's hard fitting other stuff into my schedule. Be in Pennsylvania for a week leaving Tues or Wed. Going out this morning to work on the Bobcat. If I could keep that running for a couple hours in a row, I'd get some stuff done.