my issue isnt with proper tree care,
topping, spiking prunes, one cut-pruning cuts that leave a tear (my personal favorite) and six inch stubs not at the collar are all improper and should not be done
its the "jump on the bandwagon", "I'm better than you" belittling that goes on here that gets under my skin
One fellow made a post about what to do with his brush after he TD's a tree (is he a newbie?) then he jumps in the thread beating up McPeak (who may have deserved it) cause it makes him feel better/fit in
the whole hack thing rubs me the wrong way and I can't stand the thinking that only if government/some group got involved (licensing, laws) then everything would be ok
I think folks should be allowed to make their own mistakes. if they want to do some thing stupid, have at it
If some homeowner doesnt do their homework in picking a knowledgeable tree fellow and gets a lousy job, its their fault and a reflectiuon on the "hack"
not a reflection on the industry, the vast majority of people know there's a difference amongst the participants in our industry
My guys and I go to 2 or 3 classes (Penn State Coop Ext) every year
I make it mandatory for them, and I pay all expenses. I've been in some phase of this or a related business since 1991, I know whats right (not all, always learning, thats why I'm here) and try to live it everyday
However I realize it aint my tree and if the homeowner wants it 18 feet tall and painted pink, it's "yes maam, is semi-gloss ok?"
To me liberty and freedom are much more precious ideals that need protected from the government and a bunch of zealots (apply your own name tag)