Do you have to be a Arborist To Trim trees?

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Not too familliar wit da warden thing but I have heard of them. It doesn't seem to be as bad as the name implies, altough I'm sure it is possible to draw them out of their holes if you try hard enough, or not try hard, depends how you look at it.
I also took the Connecticut Tree Protection Asssociation Arboriculture 101 at the Ag Station in the fall of '04. That class was so awsome, the free materials given far exceeded the nominal fee of the course (like $275 or something like that). Those guys, and gals just want to educate us tree guys (ya and gals) I don't blame them. I am relativly new to the biz also but we are starting at the serious pro level as opposed to those guys who realised one day they could make a killin doin a TD on saturday. Stay up on your sh.. I mean stuff.
The conceited, arrogant, "holier than thou" attitude on this site never ceases to amaze me.
Never miss a chance to run someone down, real or imagined, that doesn't meet your standards.
I'm sorry. I hope you dont mean me. I am not concited or arrogent, maybe thats your interpritation. I realise most pros aren't licenced arborist and dont have to be.Thats the way I roll dog. Why not get edumacted. Lets all make flush cuts, top and spike live trees and never crack a book, is that cool wit yall? :dizzy:
butch are you certified? the state of oregon doesnt (currently) require certification to do tree work. and i think that's okay ya just have to get a (contractors board) license, liability insurance, and be bonded. but i understand the part about certification is about to change. how bout looziana? any1 else? mario? eric?
If you want to understand me better; I started in the biz and worked for what I believe to be the most arrogent, reckless, suicidal uneducated hack of all hacks for two years. He himself can be a whole thread but I think you know the type. So you can see where my motivations are born from. I want to go the complete opposite direction. Dont mean to be a phallus.
I'm amazed at all the voluntary regulations that people treat as law. Leaving aside the Nonsense in New England. -Do you have to be an arborist to trim trees? Of course not. Do you have to be a plumber to change a washer in your sink faucet? Arboriculture is a bit more complicated than household plumbing however, so you are likely to make a lot of mistakes on the trees unless you do some studying beforehand.
New England nonsense still means nothing. So many street trees are butchered by the big orange monsters and everyone else. No one really cares.
i dunno much about plumbing. but it seems like there is a lot to know. kinda like tree work- simple principles @ work in each, but if you make one mistake you might wind up way in over your head.
The conceited, arrogant, "holier than thou" attitude on this site never ceases to amaze me.
Never miss a chance to run someone down, real or imagined, that doesn't meet your standards

This was someonelses post. I dont know how to quote yet. So another response to this is I guess one purpose for this site is for you vets to teach us young bucks some humility. Thanks
Trignog said:
I dont know how to quote yet.

just click on the "QUOTE" icon in the bottom right corner of the post field. boom! you're quoting. if you only want to cite part of apost, you can delete part of it before too
my issue isnt with proper tree care,
topping, spiking prunes, one cut-pruning cuts that leave a tear (my personal favorite) and six inch stubs not at the collar are all improper and should not be done

its the "jump on the bandwagon", "I'm better than you" belittling that goes on here that gets under my skin
One fellow made a post about what to do with his brush after he TD's a tree (is he a newbie?) then he jumps in the thread beating up McPeak (who may have deserved it) cause it makes him feel better/fit in

the whole hack thing rubs me the wrong way and I can't stand the thinking that only if government/some group got involved (licensing, laws) then everything would be ok

I think folks should be allowed to make their own mistakes. if they want to do some thing stupid, have at it

If some homeowner doesnt do their homework in picking a knowledgeable tree fellow and gets a lousy job, its their fault and a reflectiuon on the "hack"
not a reflection on the industry, the vast majority of people know there's a difference amongst the participants in our industry

My guys and I go to 2 or 3 classes (Penn State Coop Ext) every year
I make it mandatory for them, and I pay all expenses. I've been in some phase of this or a related business since 1991, I know whats right (not all, always learning, thats why I'm here) and try to live it everyday

However I realize it aint my tree and if the homeowner wants it 18 feet tall and painted pink, it's "yes maam, is semi-gloss ok?"

To me liberty and freedom are much more precious ideals that need protected from the government and a bunch of zealots (apply your own name tag)
So right,MB and MB. I would hate it to live in a place where all the trees were perfect and there was'nt at least one or two pink trees in the neighborhood.
But if I was forced to live in one of those areas with hundreds of thousands+ pop. and the house to tree ratio was way out of balance, then I might think differently.

Well mike, seeing as I have asked about what to do with brush for weekend pruning (I am just trying to start off on my own) that means I am no longer welcome to post on here. The fact that I have read every ISA book I can find and will be taking the test once my required 4 years in the industry are complete doesn't mean too much to you. Just remember all you were once starting out and trying to make it. Later all.
if you know what your doing and do it well then i dont think it really matters if your qualified or not - i'v seen 'qualified people top trees and genrally make a mess' my reasons for studying are as follows - it's a brake from working 6 days a week - i'm surrounded by scores of 16 - 24 year old girls - many who ride horses (i just love those pony girls) I get access to a library full of books on areas not covered by my corse, and by the time i'm finished i'll have a higher qualification than my boss which really ticks him off. this dosn't mean that if i worked full time for my boss for the two years i'm studying instead i wouldn't know any less but i'd have the bits of paper to wave at the insurance companys and futuer employers. which reminds me - got relatives who have just moved to california - thinking of trying to visit some time, anyone fancy giving me some work experience so i can see tree work US style??

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