I was using a buddies MS310 to cut down a 30 inch dead white oak tree for firewood at our deer camp. Get the tree on the ground and got all the limbs cut up. Then i started on the trunk, On the third chunk about 3/4s down i hit something. The fairly new stihl chain broke a flew back at my legs.Luckily it didn't hit me. The saw was having a rough time cutting the hard oak so it wasn't running fast, Thank goodness. I'm just glad it wasn't my 460 cause it would have been humming and it would have flew back harder. When we finally got the log apart it was a friggin railroad spike. Needless to say i didn't finish the log. When we split the two chunks their were two other spikes in them. Now they have been in there since this tree was about twelve inches across and now it is about thirty. How many years have them tree huggers been spiking trees. These spikes have been in there a long time, I thought at first it used to be a treestand but the tree would have been too small and why the hell would you use railroad spikes. I got to thinking it's gotta be tree huggers that done it, But it was a long time ago maybe a hundred years. I'm just glad the saw was bogging and not running wide open. Thankful to have all my bodyparts. I know you guys deal with them idiots all the time, Just hope and pray that none of ya'll ever hit one of their spikes.