Does this look like Russian olive?

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Nope. Not a Russian Olive.
The leaves are gray colored, the bark is considerably different.
EDIT: The leaves you showed are opposite, which proves for certain that it isn't Russian Olive, which are alternate.

I've only cut up a few, and I can't recall what the wood looks like. They are not soft and gummy, though. Slow growing and very tough trees, at least in these parts.
Russian olive does not get anywhere near that size. Its a small tree, or more often a twisted gnarly shrub, maybe 5-6" tops.

That might depend on where you try to grow them. They get much larger than that around here, but still not big enough to call a shade tree. I think 14" to 18" stump is about the biggest I can remember cutting up.
Russian olive


Nope, it sure is Russian olive. In my job with DOT we did a lot of Russian olive control, and I can tell you that this is what it looks like in real life......I took those pictures yesterday 5 minutes from my house.....