For a few seconds, I wondered how many seconds, that would cost the company per stop, and they do count seconds. It has always been policy to keep the bulk head door closed, many, many drivers jimmied the lock on the door to keep it open. When I retired 7 years ago the new keyless delivery trucks were starting to arrive. The bulkhead door opens and closes automatically with the key fob. I imagine the passenger doors will do that too now. When I first started in 1985, on request, they would install a fan that blows on the driver, and it did help. After a few years they quit doing that. At a company picnic an hourly asked the HR Manager why we couldn't have fans. He hemmed and hawed for a minute, then said, truthfully, there has never been any study that showed you work better when comfortable. In our building we would have guys fall out from heat related exposer. Not often, but at least 3-4 times that I heard of over 30 years. We had over 400 delivery drivers in my building, about 80 in my center. One summer when it set a record of the number of 90*+ days in a row, a driver brought in a cheap garden thermometer and it hit 130 in the back of his truck. Don't know how accurate it was. Didn't matter, it was hot, and being summer/vacation season, we were short handed, so work loads were maxed out.