What I call the idle screw (large one above L & H) should increase engine speed when turned in clockwise as the taper of the screw moves the throttle linkage/butterfly opened correct? And in my case, backing it out so that the taper is not engaging the throttle linkage is necessary to keep the idle speed minimized. Even then, I need to have the low backed out 1.5 turns to keep engine speed from engaging the clutch and turning the chain a little. I think I'll loosen up the attachment screws this afternoon and re-tighten them a little looser because if anything, I may have tightened them too much last night. I doubt it, but just wondering if being a little too tight could distort the sealing surface and allow it to suck a little air. I'm not hopeful, but it'd be nice if that made a difference. One thing I should also mention is that when first attempting to drill the mixing chamber hole, I started to drill the one at the very edge/corner of the hole that goes down at an angle. I wasn't using any magnification, and saw that hole as the one closest to the edge so I started to drill it. I hadn't noticed that it went in at an angle so I started using the pin/drill to drill straight down like the others. I drilled a bit before realizing it was actually an angled hole and I was just drilling straight down into the casting. I didn't drill through, so was hoping no harm done. I then moved to the vertical hole closest to the edge and drilled my .55 hole. Any thoughts about negative effects of my error?