Tree Freak
Tank Vent?
Tank Vent?
I have several dolmars but never consistently have the problem the OP is describing.
One thing I do know about the Dollys - especially the 70cc and up - is that they are super hard to get started once flooded. I can flood a stihl or a husky and usually 8 pulls with the plug out & a new plug & its good to go. When Ive flooded out my 7300 or 7900 I have found I need to just put it away for the day & get a different saw. And of course its easy enough to do if you're used to the reverse on/off switch of a stihl. Do it at least once a year when i havent run dolmars for a bit. lol.
Tank Vent?
will a plugged tank vent boil gas or will it cause a vapour lock shutting the engine down?
I agree, like 2 stoke carb 101 correct?
So try reading the OP where he states his fuel is boiling..need a link? and your trying to remedy this with a tank vent?
I'm listening..
I just had a similar situation 2 hours ago. Saw Dolmar/Makita 5001, outside temp~ 10°C, cleaned the carb in the ultrasonic cleaner 3x, (twice with simple green, once only with water), drying with the compressor and cleaned the diagrams with wd40. Reassembled and started like new! Ran great and I cut almost one tankful. Set it down and turned it off. I like taking off the hood to fascilate cooling. All of the sudden I hear a bubbling & hissing sound comming from the saw. I open the gas cap => no difference, the I take off the air filter an see gas bubbling out of the carb. It stopped then and since I wasn't cutting anymore I didn't try to restart. I was just perplex. Will try restarting next week can't run the saw here on the weekend.
Anybody have a idea?
Matt: so the vent was failing on pressure direction, not vacuum?
Anyone: what was the improved vent part number, will it retrofit old tanks, and how to tell the difference?
Mine is older, no issues, but better to upgrade if I need to before cracking a tank.