Feel Lucky
Maybe you could clear just one thing up for me Rope.....
Are you fascinated by different eco systems in other areas?:msp_smile:opcorn:
Yes and their natives too
Maybe you could clear just one thing up for me Rope.....
Are you fascinated by different eco systems in other areas?:msp_smile:opcorn:
Sadly, I just traded my .300 Win Mag for a clutch in my dump truck. I don't think I could even fire it anymore since the injuries from my motorcycle wreck two years ago. Both shoulders were crushed so I don't even have the option of firing it left handed.
You'd love to hunt deer where I live rope, we have some monster bucks here in W, PA. Right behind my house is 168 acres or woodland that is the home of a lengendary linage of big bucks. The reining king of the hill so to speak is a big buck named "Wilson" I've seen him on a few occasions and he is Boone & Crocket territory. I almost hit him with my van one very early morning.
I have him patterned (as well as his Father, and probably his father's father) but the big old bucks up there get to be big old bucks by staying pretty nocturnal, although the rut may bring them into daylight movement from time to time. I'd say I've hunted "Wilson" for 10 ~ 15 years and never got a shot. One season's "Wilson" got nailed by a truck near where I almost hit one. The game wardens took the rack, but it was reputed to be "huge". I'm sure he's up there right now, getting ready to give the local hunters a chance at local fame for bagging him.
Well may not improve skills in tree work but the reduced fatigue helps keep wifey happy at night lol. I must ask you though if you have a bucket and a tree is easier done from the bucket, do you climb insteadyea, Rope I can see where the wraptor would come in handy for trees that tall lol -- doesn't make the slightest bit of sense to use one here in Iowa though. My point was though, that thing's not going to improve your tree-climbing skills at all - maybe your bill-paying skills lol if you're specializing in trees like in your pics tho. Still, footlockings not that hard, actually kinda effortless really, and even in our cottonwoods here, most of us are just fine doing that.
Me? I went to college, did an apprenticeship with the U.S. Department of Labor, have my chemical license, etc., put in a few years as a climber trainee, then went to our local climbing events.
and if you really wanna good gauge of how good you are -- try taking down a mature hackberry or oak in the middle of a cemetery. Those old headstones will crumble like stale bread when they're hit by even a small log. and then its your ass - destroying someone's great great grandmothers memorial. I've never hit or broken one, but seen what happens. We get hired in those jobs all the time, but its definitely worthwhile.
we've also removed a mature american elm that was growing at a 45 degree angle directly next to a fence and the neighbor was being a doosh about "no one sets a foot on my property". I speedlined it 200 feet away with the butt ends landing right in front of the chipper. not the fastest way to do it, but it was cool as freakin hell.
Sadly, I just traded my .300 Win Mag for a clutch in my dump truck. I don't think I could even fire it anymore since the injuries from my motorcycle wreck two years ago. Both shoulders were crushed so I don't even have the option of firing it left handed.
You'd love to hunt deer where I live rope, we have some monster bucks here in W, PA. Right behind my house is 168 acres or woodland that is the home of a lengendary linage of big bucks. The reining king of the hill so to speak is a big buck named "Wilson" I've seen him on a few occasions and he is Boone & Crocket territory. I almost hit him with my van one very early morning.
I have him patterned (as well as his Father, and probably his father's father) but the big old bucks up there get to be big old bucks by staying pretty nocturnal, although the rut may bring them into daylight movement from time to time. I'd say I've hunted "Wilson" for 10 ~ 15 years and never got a shot. One season's "Wilson" got nailed by a truck near where I almost hit one. The game wardens took the rack, but it was reputed to be "huge". I'm sure he's up there right now, getting ready to give the local hunters a chance at local fame for bagging him.
Guys, I am leaving the business. After reading these posts, I realized I can never get to the levels of Treevet, .uttahere2:
Well may not improve skills in tree work but the reduced fatigue helps keep wifey happy at night lol. I must ask you though if you have a bucket and a tree is easier done from the bucket, do you climb instead
It is just plain and simple, it reduces fatigue and nothing against those who do not use one but after the third tree here; I am much more rested than before getting my wraptor. Why do we have wheels? I think I can climb with the best and not feel ashamed and I body thrusted 30 years, still can and do, the wraptor does not do it all ya know.
Btw cemeteries are one thing this is another also before the wraptor
three phaze power and growing out of roof is another
also done craneless
Wow....I mean actually took down a hackberry or even an oak....IN THE MIDDLE OF A CEMETERY???????
Man, I was flabergasted but then you went out there and took down an elm..............
at a 45 degree angle.....
fukin right next a fence .....
and the NEIGHBOR WAS A DOOSH ABOUT IT??????!!!!!!!
(Absolutely NO one sets foot on his property) and.......
YOu did it cool as freakin hell?????with a speedline no less?!?!!!!
Well hell.....I give are easily one of the more impressive (in the top half) of the gay dich heads that has shown up on this forum lately.
I am impressed beyond words (yawn).
Yeah, you won't ever get to this level..see ya, hava nice life. Don't let the door hit ya in the as s....
sometimes I do climb even if a tree can be accessed with the aerial lift - like if power lines would be in the way of the boom, but in the most recent case, we did a pine removal at the zoo, and the chip truck was in the shop. It was easier on my groundguys (and made the job go faster) if I used the forestry truck to chip into and just climbed the thing, so yea, sometimes I do.
and that tree looked like fun - how long did it take? were you able to use a crane on that one?
Well lol it took a while as it was 106 actual 116 index. I took it easy and no the owner did not want crane on his driveway, so you buck up and be a man lol. Nothing like a weak old fart toting up a 395 xp:hmm3grin2orange:
Well lol it took a while as it was 106 actual 116 index. I took it easy and no the owner did not want crane on his driveway, so you buck up and be a man lol. Nothing like a weak old fart toting up a 395 xp:hmm3grin2orange:
PS: nice jobyea, we always manage to schedule the hardest jobs on the hottest days don't we? lol Sometime, if you haven't already, try a lightweight camelbak -- those things can really help, especially on the hot days, if not because of the ice cold drink right there all day, then maybe the cooling effect of having a liter of ice water strapped to your back might.
the hottest day here this year, I wound up taking down 2 dead trees right next to and growing over a nice 2 story house w/ walkout basement -- the guy wouldnt let us remove the tall aluminum chimney stack so I had to cut and rig around the damn thing. They took a pretty cool pic of me chunking it down, making a big cloud of sawdust with the 460. Not impressive like urs, but gd it was freakin hot that day.
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Our hottest day this year was 115 actual and was absolutely brutal. I seen where yall and even vet had a unusually hot one this year. That is every year here and summer lasts longer here usually. The one thing I have grown to hate is heat I remember trimming even larger trees in Houston Texas in the early eighties in the middle of there worst heat wave, record year may be broken now but when i hear the song north to Alaska my feet itch![]()
lol ya, heat I can usually deal with - humidity is what kills me. I'd rather limbwalk snow and ice covered bur oaks on the coldest day than do those removals on the hot and humid days. You can always put on more clothes but you can only take off so many hahahahaha
Lol did I tell ya we are humid you can cut the air with a knife in summer oh I am glad it will be a while before its back lol.