I have had a Speed Pro from TS. After 10 cord thay got it back. The wear plate fill off and then the gear on the rack busted off. Got the DR in 12/19/11 and all I have dun to it is replace the two Belts. We have don over 60 cords so far. I trid a friends SUPER Splitter today it is better in one way. Thay have a handie that auto splits. If DR has that next time I will get a DR. If not I will get the Super Splitter, it is faster do to you have two hands free.
I've had my DR Rapid Fire for ~2 months, and was disappointed that it didn't auto-split. The super split(newer ones anyway) on youtube, you notice the operator just pulls up on the handle once, and it fully cycles the rack all the way out, and the springs help auto-return. I was bummed. Until I took off the cover, and adjusted one of the stop bolts a little bit. It now works just like the super split.
BUT, I would only recommend this to someone who is comfortable working on equipment with moving parts. You could be seriously hurt or killed if your not careful observing the machine running with no cover on.
It is simple. Obviously machine is turned OFF.
Remove the cover:
There are 3 bolts (7/16") two on the I-beam side towards the bottom, and one in the back, under the output side of the engine. Remove these. Then there are two orange locating/alignment pins welded on the frame that you slip the cover forward off of. You may need to move the handle back and forth as you lift the cover up and off the machine.
Next, look at the handle linkage. Pull back on the handle to see how it moves. You'll notice the two carriage bolts, one limits the downward range, and one limits the upward/return range. You want the bottom most linkage(with the roller pressing on the rack) to be basically vertical when you pull the handle all the way back. Adjust the stop bolt, until you get that vertical alignment, tighten the lock nut. Now you just need to test to make sure it's set right. Be extremely careful, running the machine with no cover on, as those flywheels will grab almost anything that gets close!! You could be crushed, or killed if not careful! You can test the setting with the engine idling.
With that said, my DR Rapid Fire is now identical to a super split in every way!! It is so sweet with it auto-cycling

Here is a link to video showing more or less how it needs to be adjusted, although I believe on mine the bottom linkage, is set a little more vertical: