Uh, thanks. I gotta admit, after reading through that thread I understand hardly any more about the qualitative difference between drums and discs than I did before, other than that discs apparently cut with the grain, and so according to a manufacturer that makes a lot of discs, they are more efficient...
So far, I have worked for a couple of guys... One had a bandit disc, and we were feeding whole tree trunks into it, relatively soft woods like breadfruit and avocado, and it just chewed them up, hardly with any pause... Now I am working with a crew that uses a vermeer drum, and it seems to bog down on the larger stuff, although we have been working on harder stuff like eucalyptus. I think that the two machines have a similar hp, and both are pretty new too.
I am interested to hear about the olderstyle chuck and duck kind too. I am not actually anywhere near buying one myself or anything, I am just trying to educate myself. Although, having used these two machines with the hydraulic feed I sort of can't imagine using one where you had to manually feed material in.