Hey bwalker, I`m not looking to pick a fight with you here, but since you threw it out that you are in QC, as if that makes you preeminently qualified to be an expert on this topic, why don`t you share with us a little info about what your educational credentials are, and what field you are in. I know, I know, I`m pissing in your Wheaties, but whenever someone comes out with the implication that they are more expert, or just plain smarter, because of what they do for a living, I like to know if they are telling the truth. Often you can gauge a persons intelligence by their grammar, spelling, and speech patterns. Sometimes it`s their unfailing attention to detail. Sometimes you just have to ask a person to back it up. Since we are not communicating face to face, or even verbally, so that we could use tonal inflections to fill in the gaps, could you please add a little more detail for us. There is likely no way that you could possibly list all of your academic achievements or life experiences or observations to back up your "fact based" statements anymore than Marty can at this moment, but you do have to concede that Marty is making an honest attempt at generalized observations, which I believe are fair in the context of this forum considering all of the potential varibles at play. I also believe that on the surface, btus are btus are btus, and it would appear simple that burn temps would be the same, and I`m not saying they aren`t. But there again it seems as if the potential effect of any additives is not being considered. If this argument is valid at all, you must consider all variables. So like Fish said, this argument is a waste of time and brainpower, but if you want to sway us with statements, you better be able to back them up. BTW, portable thermal sensors, both contact and non- contact are reliable enough for trending and monitoring safety related component temperatures in nuclear power plants under the watchful eye of the NRC, so they are probably good enough for me. Safety Related components are the "absolutely must not fail" components of a nuke plant that will shut it down with minimal to no human intervention in the case of a postulated design basis accident, in case you didn`t know. Russ