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ArboristSite Operative
Sep 25, 2003
Reaction score
East Meadow, NY
This one is for all the British boys......are there any London Planes in London??? Don't laugh at me, I was driving home from work today after climbing in a 90ft LP. Just curious.

thats like going to switzerland and asking for swiss cheese.............

they just call them plane tree's over there.
London planes are a very good city tree, they tolerate pollution well and yes there are london planes in london, :)
Isn't the true london plane a hybrid that was isolated in the middle of the industrial era because it was one of the few that would grow well with all the coal smog?

Mus of the old ones are like clones?
London Planes are the worst tree of all time for working on. Leave them alone or cut them down. (so people only have to suffer once)
clearance said:
London Planes are the worst tree of all time for working on. Leave them alone or cut them down. (so people only have to suffer once)


Ummm, yeah, I'm gonna have to go ahead and disagree with you on that one....

No, there not super trees, but they often have great shape, provide valuable shade. I wouldn't go choppin' 'em all down just because you don't like them. What do you have against them?

There goes Clarence :alien: , trolling again.

The bait didn't look that good, but still he got three quick bites. :blob5:

The fish must be hungry.
Pinus sylvestirs

up here in scotland we call them Scots pines, odd that, surely it should be our pines :rolleyes:

See the trees for what they are. Say that to someone who house got crushed by a sacred tree (aren't they all?) and you'll be seeing stars. Nick, have you ever worked on a London Plane?, you need a dust mask, the dust will just do you in. Trimmed a whole row of them beside the line two years ago, brutal. I didn't say to kill them like I say about the dreaded cottonwood. They are a pretty good looking, strong tree. Leave them alone or cut them down.
Are Austrian Pines really from Austria??? IF a Kentucky Coffee Tree is in Illinois is it still a Kentucky Coffee Tree or just a Coffee Tree???

clearance said:
Say that to someone who house got crushed by a sacred tree (aren't they all?) and you'll be seeing stars.
Boy, I've talked to hundreds of owners of tree-damaged homes, and not one of them expressed the contempt for trees that you have. Experience will teach you better, I hope.

Nick, have you ever worked on a London Plane?, you need a dust mask, the dust will just do you in. .. Leave them alone or cut them down.
Dust masks should be in the PPE kit--you've heard of PPE?--and used when exposed to noxious agents like Platanus achenes, that's those itchy seed things. If you don't mask up for that, you might as well huff asbestos fibers. I wear a mask with a scarf over it.

You were brutal to yourself if you didn't protect your lungs; not fair to blame the tree. :cry: Advising tree care practitioners to "Leave them alone or cut them down." won't get much positive response here.

There's still a forestry & logging forum, isn't there?
Treeseer-You have talked to hundreds of owners of tree damaged homes. Hundreds-I think it is you who have something to learn here. Hundreds-If someone like me had been there they wouldn't have tree damaged homes. I wear saw pants, hard hat with a screen and muffs, harness when I'm in the bucket. London Planes are very, very rare here. Have you ever cut down a tree?, or is that like a catholic woman enjoying sex? Done, but never admitted, come on and fess up.
Hey, is that bait? >snap snap<

Aww, cwearance does de mean ole' wondon pwane make my ****ee cwy? So wear a dust mask, keep some visine in your ditty bag, shut up and get back to work. Sheesh!

I've worked a mess of London Planes, nice big canopy spread on the statesmen that have been put in the right spot with room to grow, real tight growth out at the fringes where you want to do the thinning, that's where I use an NFL lineman's "swim move" to get out through it all, even though I'm built more like a deep safety.

Best thing about working London Planes: pedestrians suddenly start respecting all the signs and cones laid out when the groundsmen have filter masks on. I wonder why that is...
clearance said:
Nick, have you ever worked on a London Plane?, you need a dust mask

Thank you for the education.

My point is, just because you don't like something about a certain tree, no reason to cut 'em all down. Every tree has something bad about them.


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