My parents had a couple of small lots
near Splendora, Texas. The lots originally belonged to some neighbors, & when I was 8 or 9 I helped the neighbors clear the lots. At that time the land was dry. About 13 years later my parents bought the lots--a big mistake. At some time beavers had built a dam on a tiny stream, & over the years they kept adding to the dam until they had created about a 2 acre pond (wonderful breeding place for snakes & mosquitoes). They had an impressive lodge in the middle of the pond.
My folks called the Texas Parks & Wildlife Dept. I'm still not sure how the guy kept a straight face when my dad explained how he & I were going "break down" the dam. The fellow did give a firm NO to my idea to dynamite the dam. He did say that TPWD had previously tried trapping the beavers, but all they caught were nutria (this was back when only real backwoods & bayou folks considered nutria as food).
We (mostly me) cut, chopped, & hacked on that dam all day long. All we (I) managed was one small channel maybe 6" wide. My father, a former farm boy who in no way missed the physical labor of farm life, gave up on the dam after that one day. By now there's probably a new lake near Splendora, filled with happy beavers.
The point of this story: Sometimes it takes a lot of dam effort to make a beaver happy.
Chris J.