Ebay politics

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E-bay discrimanation

Hello dennis,
this is just blatant discrim1nation. It's just not right . You live in western canada and you cant post arborist site's address but little leroy lambert lives in eastern canada and he CAN POST! this just isn't fair
ebays like any other tool ,mower chainsaw etc. they usually crap until the owner learns the tool.
now in the case of ebay. i think it might be a junky tool for a long time.:)for me.
theys so many ins an outs there,
i believe i could get my medical degree
about as easy.not puttin on airs,im 55
so a little late for that.
really cant see why they wouldnt want this site mentioned,tho. but like i say ,i dont know the tool.
Thanks for the heads up on this Dennis.
I have been looking for one of these for a while now, and was able to bid on it

If Dennis has hopped that saw up,it should be worth a lot!!!

Better ask if he did a dyno run, heck it might be up a few million %. Maybe he even put his KD 272 jug in it!!!

In fact, if I had a spare 13.04, I might just enter the savage bidding.. Watch out fellas, I'm a sniper.......
Been selling on Ebay for 4 years.
Probably haven't seen it all but seen a few things.
If you want to put the arborist site just say something like ... Come to world wide web arboristsite for more information. People should be able to figuire it out.
Ebay has a search engine looking for the www.XXX.com writing so you don't use your bid as a method to get "clients" or "web users" from the eBay site to your site. They want to keep the users on ebay and not have a advertisements fopr other websites.
If some bidder has targeted you because they don't "like the wording" or they find it offensive good luck. I had a couple of competitors telling ebay I was using patented and copyrighted material without permission sot hey terminated the listing.

Ebay does make the bucks. Little if any liability and they make up to 10% on a deal. Couple years back when it was in the 100's several flatbed trucks used to come to thier headquaters loaded with exotic cars and given out as bonuses.

Now they bought Paypal so I am thinking of getting my own credit card service or use C2it
Make your user name the web address

You know www.arboristsite.com is unregistered on eBay.

Either the User ID " www.arboristsite.com " is not a registered eBay user, or the Password is incorrect. Please go back and try again. Make sure you are not using any uppercase characters or allowing blank space before, after or inside the User ID or Password.
well...they still havent authorized my "addition" to my ad...oh well...but yet they still didnt edit that line out of there...

Paypal....there is a scam if I ever saw one...they must make huge dollars...

Huskyman..sorry dude..lol...my bad...
Make a copy of your bidders with email address

They may delist your auction on the next server "delist batch run"
You know "You've been targeted for termination"
I will go to the bid list and get the list of bidders with email addresses in case they remove your auction.
So when you relist you can email the old bidders and tell them about the new auction.
based on what you said here

eBay will not edit your auction.
____________________________________________________Sometime, usually at night, eBay will terminate all the auctions they consider in "violation of eBay policies"
If this happens you will not get to "view" or "edit" the auction
It will be erased and gone forever.
eBay's computer assigns a auction violation to a human, then this "person" details the violation. The reason your auction will be removed IMHO (in my humble opinion) is www.arboristsite.com site has a retail outlet.
____________________________________________________The way ebay may look at it is your statement to join us here is to direct ebay users to buy directly from us eliminating ebay from the fold.
You intent maybe be for the ebay user to join us in a "discussion forum" to talk but ebay looks at it in loss revenues by sending ebay users to a retail website
All you have to do is edit your description and take that part out.

I have been outbid so you can go ahead do what you want to it now
Hey Dennis, do you have a new email address? Been trying to email you and it won't go through.

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