Ebay prices on Stihl saws...

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Yah, I bet there are people out there that think a Stihl 390 is BIGGER than a 361, becasue well, the number 390 is HIGHER than 361! Therefor, it must be bigger, newer, and more expensive!

This guy would believe it:


Weirdness prevails...

In the cataloge the 390 is listed as a larger displacement 64cc vs. 59cc, and thus everyone assumes it will out run the 361 because it's a bigger engine. I even got suckerd in by that one!!
I don't know if they've added a decompression valve to the 390 since mine was made, but my hand still hurts from starting the one I had a year ago.
390/290 pull starter

Yes, the newer Stihl MS 390 has a decompression valve. If the older 390 pulls as hard or harder than the 290, I can attest that it can be a real pain in the wrist if you are not paying FULL ATTENTION with a tight grip on the pull starter. It will also remind you to do that every time you relax or get distracted while strating it up.

MS 390 Standard Features (same as 290 execpt item 1):

Decompression valve
Toolless fuel and oil caps with retainers
IntelliCarb™ compensating carburetor
Automatic oiler (adjustable)
Forged connecting rod with caged needle bearings (like pro saws)
Side access chain tensioner
Carburetor preheat shutter for summer/winter operation
In the cataloge the 390 is listed as a larger displacement 64cc vs. 59cc, and thus everyone assumes it will out run the 361 because it's a bigger engine. I even got suckerd in by that one!!

But, Andy, it has 5 more ccs and a bigger model number...what else could you want? Geez.

Yes, the newer Stihl MS 390 has a decompression valve. If the older 390 pulls as hard or harder than the 290, I can attest that it can be a real pain in the wrist if you are not paying FULL ATTENTION with a tight grip on the pull starter. It will also remind you to do that every time you relax or get distracted while strating it up.

MS 390 Standard Features (same as 290 execpt item 1):

Decompression valve
Toolless fuel and oil caps with retainers
IntelliCarb™ compensating carburetor
Automatic oiler (adjustable)
Forged connecting rod with caged needle bearings (like pro saws)
Side access chain tensioner
Carburetor preheat shutter for summer/winter operation

I have a non decomp 066 Magnum just like that........LOL
Just go get the 361...you know you want to.:laugh: And you won't be sorry. I have a 361 that has quite a bit of time on it now and its been bulletproof. 20 inch bar in dry oak or dry madrone and it just eats wood all day. Good thinning or limbing saw. Some of the guys run 24s in doug fir with no problem. (and quit pushing trees over with your lawn tractor:hmm3grin2orange: )
When my dad was looking for a saw he was looking at a 036 or the 044.
He decided to spent the money and bought the 044, that was 12 years ago or more. Best money he ever spent, great saw. Then 4 years ago I bought a 460 magnum for myself, wouldn't do it differently if I could. Never have had a problem with it yet. Here is the deal, you get what you pay for. If you want a weekend saw, spend the weekend price. And if you want a saw to work as hard as you do, spend the money. The gladness at the $100 that you saved will soon be forgotten as you are forced to live with the cheap saw. You know what, hey its your $$ spend it how you see fit.

Cry the beloved $100 bill

OK OK OK OK... I'll put the crispy $100 dollar bill into my wallet with the 5 others :cry: , and go down to the Stihl dealer and plop down the cash on that thar brand new shiney bright and gleaming MS 361 in the window with a 24 inch bar on her. He is out of stock on the MS 390 anyway. I had a line on a 440 last week, but that fell through on Craigslist (guy sold it out from under me). Then its firewood collection time...

Oak to buck,
Madrone to fell,
Buy a 361,
And cut like *ell.

The gladness at the $100 that you saved will soon be forgotten as you are forced to live with the cheap saw.

I couldn't agree more.

If the cost difference started pushing beyond $500, a saw that will last twice as long at twice the price, begins to become a slightly different debate.

I imagine the 361 might be the last 50-60cc saw I will ever buy. Right! :) That is if I never return to AS and block any incoming AS email notifications. :)

IMHO, if someone really wants to save some $$$, get a nice NT $99 grinder and recycle loops. You'll save lots of cabbage with new loops at $20-30 a pop.
Just get the 361.. I have this "discussion" with customers a couple of times week, and I always win.. partly 'cos I won't stock the 390 (but I'll get it for you in a day if you REALLY want it).. Way over priced and underperforming for what it is... and too close to the 361 in $$. And the two saws are a world apart... Either buy a 310 (to save money), or a 361 for an excellent saw.
MS 361 price

Plus sales tax in WA. I will buy at the local village here in OR as there is no sales tax in OR... yet! One advantage to Stihl's method of selling is that it is the same price here in Podunk, OR as it is in LA, NYC, or Seattle. I called 4 regional dealers in the state today and they all had the exact same price for a MS 361 with a 24" bar:

New Stihl MS 361 with a 24" bar: $599.95

But thanks for the tip about the price increase on Jan 12. :rock: I tried to get down to the saw shop today but the girlfriend had 'ladies night out' and I got stuck feeding the pigs, dogs and sheep. But I get to go to Portland for New Year's Eve. Looks like I will have to wait until next week to get that bright shiney new gleaming MS 361 in the saw log display in the window. My crispy $100 is still safe for another few days. My precious! :heart: