That sounds like a sensible solution with a 2X4. Don't think a 2X6 will fit through but now that I have the idea I can measure and cut to fit on my band-saw. Thanks.Stick a 16" 2x4 or 2x6 thru the handle, step on that near the handle.
That sounds like a sensible solution with a 2X4. Don't think a 2X6 will fit through but now that I have the idea I can measure and cut to fit on my band-saw. Thanks.Stick a 16" 2x4 or 2x6 thru the handle, step on that near the handle.
Even at my age when I start cutting I can outlast any of the batteries and of course I'm set in my ways and partial to real chainsaws. But thanks for the thought.Have you thought about a dare I say it an electric saw? Don't shoot me yet.
lock the chain brake and IF you want to slip a cover over the chain and practice with the OFF switch fuel..Just to get the hang of it..I've been an instructor for years on some jobs.. IF you as I said,, NO fuel....Switch off Chain brake Locked practice this a few times just to become familiar with the idea, you will have a LOT better luck.. IN FACT, you could Remove the Chain bolt the BAR on the saw add fuel and Crank it like that a few times. BE safe not sorry.. Oh but how many times have we heard that.. Smile.. I wish someone had told me before I married..Ha. Ha..on that note, as a counselor I recently told a 47 year old guy just divorced with two kids,, Get a vasectomy..NOW that's an idea. Hold the bar between your legs..Crank the saw and fix yourself at the same time. Ha. Ha. That's a JOKE.. PLease NO ONE take that advice to's gonna hurt or kill you..Sadly, I must add that disclaimer.... IT"S silly old man humor.... good luck....Scary but I will give it a try. Thanks.
I'd recommend cutting a slight notch in the flat part of the board to fit the handle so the board don''ty slip off the handle..The board is 1.5 inches thick. Just a slight notch might work..Safety..yes.. right..That sounds like a sensible solution with a 2X4. Don't think a 2X6 will fit through but now that I have the idea I can measure and cut to fit on my band-saw. Thanks.