Is that just muffler modded and retune?
Yes. Its my saw with the muffler you see modded in the beginning of this thread. I removed the caps from the mixture screws and I also removed the black plastic intake plenum from the air filter.
Is that just muffler modded and retune?
Yes. Its my saw with the muffler you see modded in the beginning of this thread. I removed the caps from the mixture screws and I also removed the black plastic intake plenum from the air filter.
I'll keep an eye on it. I went thru a little over a tank today with that tree, and didn't see any issues with the filter. My bigger concern in the chain stretch. How much wear is normal on the drive spur?
This is what mine looked like after that tank of gas:
View attachment 530531
That seems like a lot for one tank. I've had some that barely showed a mark after many tanks.My bigger concern in the chain stretch. How much wear is normal on the drive spur?
This is what mine looked like after that tank of gas:
View attachment 530531
!!!! WOW
Same pattern, just polished after 6 tanks...
So I took some pictures of my spur drive these are after somewhere between 10-15 tanks. and one of the muff mod screens stay in my saws to keep the stink bugs out.
lense on my phone is pretty scratched up but its the best I got. I hoped it would ware quickly so I could put the rim on it. But it hardly shows signs of ware.Pics aren't the clearest... but yours show very little, not like the OP's.
Well, I was more focused on the quantitative aspects, and a 60cc saw should not come close to bogging in wood that size.Yep. it was four stroking initially and cleaned up in the cut. No idea what the rpms or port timing is. The saw ran great and it didn't bog down at all. Plug looked great. The CS400 I have feels like a toy compared to this saw.
I think it looks like the no load rpm is around 11krpm right before the cut.
What do you have to do to upload a video I'd love to put one of mine up for Chris to go over to compare to yours since there the same setup except I have the plastic piece in the filter still. Just sounds like yours doesn't have the RPMs mine does.Great stuff! I will put a tach on my saw to validate your predictions. I will calibrate your acoustic analysis with measured data.
Well, I was more focused on the quantitative aspects, and a 60cc saw should not come close to bogging in wood that size.
The 4-stroking appears to end just as it hits the widest part of the wood at 8s, which would make sense. I suspect that the carb with the fixed H jet in addition to the needle is borderline too rich with the opened up muffler, but it depends on how much adjustment range you have left on the H screw.
I think it looks like the no load rpm is around 11krpm right before the cut.
I will look at it later this evening, but it looks like bmwpowere36m3 already got some numbers for you.Be interested to see how these 2 compare @Chris-PA
Yes, this is very similar to the numbers I got, depending on how long an interval I looked at. I saw a little higher, around 8k to 8.6k when I had it down to a 1/2s interval.Tried it out for kicks at work using our analysis software...
@Team FAST
first video (rich): 7680 RPM
second video (leaned out): 8160 RPM during the first half when it sounds like its 4-stroking and 7800 RPM when it clears up
I will look at it later this evening, but it looks like bmwpowere36m3 already got some numbers for you.
Yes, this is very similar to the numbers I got, depending on how long an interval I looked at. I saw a little higher, around 8k to 8.6k when I had it down to a 1/2s interval.
The 136deg exhaust duration is likely holding it back in terms of rpm, but as I wrote earlier I have saws with exhaust durations that short and they will rev higher. So I'd suspect it has the ability to rev higher if it were leaner and that the mixture is keeping it from taking full advantage of the muffler mod.