Maybe so but I bought an 034 in March 1992. It seems like it had more power back in the day though. That saw is 30 yrs old and about 20 yrs ago the ignition went out. They fixed it for free. I took it in last Saturday for a repair. Guess what it was . I needed a new spike cause the old one fell off. I have yet to adjust the carb, not even one time. Only one time did it not start , hence the bad coil. Ya, its is kind of slow, With all the cutting tests on this board I decided to try my own. My 026 did some ash cuts of 10" in about 16 sec. , my 034 was about 13 sec. I ran it through a 16" ash and the 026 was about 25 sec. and the 034 was about 20 seconds. If I want faster , I would get my Stihl 441 and likely be half the time. That 034 doesnt owe me anything. It has been so good. The 026, I never really liked. It has not run very good in many years. It stalls at idle, runs ok at full throttle.