Echo cs590 bar oil leak

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ArboristSite Lurker
Oct 3, 2021
Reaction score
East Tx
Wandering if anyone has a cs590 that literally emptied the bar oil tank while sitting?
I’ve got a cs590, that might have 2hrs use at the most. It will empty the oil tank while sitting unused . I’ve had lots of saws that weeped oil, a few that actually would leave a puddle, but this is the first I’ve had that it just seems to run out.
I’ve pulled the bar off, and can watch it just drip out of the end of hose. Don’t matter if the cap is on or off, so it’s not pressure building up in tank.
Would this just be a faulty oiler , letting the oil by? If it wasn’t leaking so bad, I wouldn’t worry about it, but it will empty the tank overnight.
Any ideas ? otherwise it’s a nice saw, but this is driving me nuts
Yeah a guy that works for me has one, his don’t leak a drop. So I know something ain’t right, just haven’t put my finger on what it may be, since it’s basically still new. It’s done it since I bought it, but to be honest, it was in the case and I didn’t use it for 6 months . Opened the case to use couple days ago and all the oil was in the case. That got me started looking for the problem. I found the leak, just don’t know what the cause is. The oil is coming out of the grommet where it goes against the oil shield . Pull the bar off and the metal oil shield and you can watch it drip
Sounds like time to tear down and find out WHY? PUMP MOUNT screw comes loose? O-ring pump to housing blown/ melted? Cracked pump/ tank/ housing?
A little late I know. Mine was doing the same thing, only not quite to that extent. 3 to 5 year warranty depending on type of user, homeowner or commercial. Dealer said it was something to do with the oil pump. Been fine since I got it back.
Pull the clutch and oil pump and check the lines. Also, there is a grommet in the oil tank that the oil line feeds through, check to see if that is leaking.

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