Graeme McMahon, Reg Coates, Jerry Beranek, etc are truly legendary tree men and even the most experienced among us can find alot to learn from these guys.
That being said there are alot of really good basic fundamental style instructional videos out there that are great for someone getting into the biz. ClimbingArborist, ArborPod, EducatedClimber, etc are great for this sort of thing and you can take their content without a grain of salt.
There are plenty of people on youtube who are good at what they do but don't explain why and are probably not the best options for beginners.
Then there are people who can make an entertaining video but really aren't all that in the tree. Human is an example of this. I understand he is just making videos of himself doing tree work but in todays world there are alot of folks who watch his videos and see him as a mentor. I think the creators of these videos need to consider the fact that they are influential to certain folks and need to be careful what they document on youtube. Not to pick on human, he seems like a stand up guy but he was basically filming himself from day one, alot of really bad and almost deadly decisions were made and then posted on youtube for the world to see with no disclaimer.
There is no substitute for hands on experience but it can be hard to find someone worth a **** to teach you, youtube isn't exempt from this.