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My egg production is finally starting to pick up. I am getting about 5 eggs a day from 11 hens. Yesterday I got 7. Looking forward to the day I get 11 eggs. My birds are just 9 months old and Black copper Marans are not the best of layers. I am going to hatch another dozen of something, depends on what breeds I can find local. Thinking about looking for some dominickers. We used to raise them when i was growing up. My BIL has white rocks, good egg layers, easy on the feed and early egg layers, and he owns the incubator, so a easy choice.
We're down to 17 from 32 this summer. Husky dog that got loose took 8 out over summer. Few died from being old, one broke it's leg somehow put that ine down. Still getting 8-12 eggs a day on average fein the rest of them. Much more manageable then the 24+ eggs we were getting a day.
Wife decided she's staying under 20 hens from now on. I told her the 17 we currently have is plenty for our needs.
I have plans to move and slightly modify the coop and run this summer. It's kinda back burner project vs some of the other things I need to do but needs done none the less.

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