EHP Stroked Saw and Fales Chain Tests

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well it is real cold up here right now so if you start your saw it would be a cold start right
maybe get your chain maker to run the saw , he is good , or just let john run the both of them that way forsure he is going to win and that is what we all want now right
i have a fan club like that here but they are not that horny on going outside right now , just long enough to do there bussiness and open the door i am going in
That's going to be hard Ed since you filed my chain let alone pulled it, Just get that nuclear reactor to work in that 346 case and I'll do the rest. I am having the lead chaps and jacket made so I can run it. Let me know the price of the uraneum and I will get that check out ASAP.
Hey Marky...

I see you have been clubbin it up again. Where is the 2100?
BTW You sure your cooking scallops? Could be carp fish balls given your proximity to NYC. My uncle once caught a shark that was made into scallops ala artificial crab. Go figure.

I almsot forgot to add taht I propose you have Loophole Louie do the timing on the Great Saw Race. Gotta keep it fair, if you know what I mean.. Out.
Ben I wouldlove to have Loop Hole Do the timing but he and his friend own a 61' Carlton and have thier boat down in Costa Rica for the Winter Months. He's Banging Sail fish by the dozen every other weekend.
mark u aint rite brother.. me settin here eatin toast w jelly and this is what i find on the forum this morning.... well least we know where u real talent is..
also got everbodys mind off the dolmers .. ever body got have one like that now..
take care o that saw for me .. the checks in the mail..
u still aint forgivin ,,i done thowed my toast away..:mad: :)
MarkyMark did you go deer hunting yet
up here all we are hunting right now is a warmer place to live, the old hole tree is cold at night plus to many squirrels
Ed I will be hunting in a few days, don't worry about me worry about Lambert he seems to have vanished. Even with the weather the way it is he would at least drive down to the libray for free 15 minute internet. Where is Dumbrowski:Eye:
yes gypo has vanished, put out search party
wanted one john gypo lambert
6ft 8 inches tall
370 pounds
white from the waist up black from there down , so he says
not heard from in a week missing in action
something is up he is not answering his phone or nothing
i have not heard anything on the radio about some guy in jail or running down the highway bare assed holding a chainsaw over his head screaming
I think Doug found him.

Marky Mark that looks someone like gypo but it is hard to tellbecause he just doesnot look like he is 6ft 8 inches tall in your picture and a long way from 370 pounds , maybe it is the beer he has in his hands , maybe it is one of those gallon cans
just hope nothing has happened to him , it is more fun with him around thats all
I haven't seen Gypo either, he isn't here.
When its his time to come down here, I wont tell him about it until afterwards. His mouth will leak and the whole US will want to be here again.
I will just have Ed bring Johns saws along and we can tell him how they worked.
Keystone Weird
Gypo is alive ,he just phoned me from Hollywood where he is making porno movies, he said he is doing well, alittle sore if you get my drift
tooth fixed and he is ready to run