Energy Drinks.

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I have always used Red Bull on occasions while living in England but couldn't believe the array of different brands available when I moved here, and also the extra large portion size. think they prove invaluable when tired and they definitely enhance your focus but I'm seem to be using them more and more. They seem to make me work faster especially when climbing, and it's getting to the stage if I see one I buy it. if it's a new one I try it. They obviously work but I know for a fact Taurine is bad for you, and are they just becoming a legally abused drug?

I don't drink them at the weekend, and I feel lack luster because of it. Anyone else use them, or having similar doubts about there effects?
Eat plenty of carbs the night before a big job, drink around 1 quart of gatorade every 2 hrs or so and some water, exercise, and a minimum of 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight daily, preferably 1.5. How much do you weigh? What's your body fat %? It's the combo of things that will keep you fit, alive, and healthy. Those energy drinks cause lots of health issues, and even death due to heat exhaustion, dehydration, and or hyponeutremia! Be careful , and try to eat 3 meals with a power bar as a snack in between or granola or something wholesome to keep your energy leveled out. Dairy products are a great source of protein and a slow burning energy source!
Eat plenty of carbs the night before a big job, drink around 1 quart of gatorade every 2 hrs or so and some water, exercise, and a minimum of 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight daily, preferably 1.5. How much do you weigh? What's your body fat %? It's the combo of things that will keep you fit, alive, and healthy. Those energy drinks cause lots of health issues, and even death due to heat exhaustion, dehydration, and or hyponeutremia! Be careful , and try to eat 3 meals with a power bar as a snack in between or granola or something wholesome to keep your energy leveled out. Dairy products are a great source of protein and a slow burning energy source!

I still drink ovaltine but the best thing is a quadruple redeye from starbucks. Yee Fn Haa!
Eat plenty of carbs the night before a big job, drink around 1 quart of gatorade every 2 hrs or so and some water, exercise, and a minimum of 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight daily, preferably 1.5. How much do you weigh? What's your body fat %? It's the combo of things that will keep you fit, alive, and healthy. Those energy drinks cause lots of health issues, and even death due to heat exhaustion, dehydration, and or hyponeutremia! Be careful , and try to eat 3 meals with a power bar as a snack in between or granola or something wholesome to keep your energy leveled out. Dairy products are a great source of protein and a slow burning energy source!

Thanks mom. lol.
i took one of those 5 hour energy drinks yesterday morning. it didnt really give me much energy but it did keep me from sleeping last night. i had to postpone todays job because my blood pressure today is still 193/119 and my heart rate was over 105 bpm (it is always 60 - 65 normally) i'm never touchin that stuff again...:dizzy:

55 hours later my heart rate is still 95 bpm !
It made me laugh to, but thanks It's sound advice. I'm pretty healthy most of the time, but have been suckered in by all the brands of energy drink. I check my blood pressure every week since I passed 40.
Hey guys, i once saw a fellow Marine go down of heat stroke during a CAX (Combined Arms Exercise) at 29Palms,Calif. during summertime 120 deg heat in 2003. The Marines taught us to drink frequently and the right things..... Yeah he laughed too when they told him to drink and it almost cost him his life!!! These are facts.
Try dark chocolate with high cocoa % to go along with coffee. Good energy jolt and not much that's going to hurt you later on. The water thing varies a lot amongst individuals. I don't need much , but I've seen lots of people who sweat like crazy and need a great deal. Rule of thumb is if your muscles and joints are beginning to ache you getting dehydrated and cramps mean you are most likely quite dehydrated. The eight glasses of water thing is grossly oversold according to most new studies. Coffee is also a diuretic, so balance your intake with water or juices. Learn your own needs over time and remember to pace yourself. You'll find at the end of the day you've accomplished a lot more than those who go like banshees and then crap out by lunch! Be careful about high sugar drinks. They were fine for people when they actually had real beet or cane sugar in them, but the new studies say that the corn sugar inverts currently used go straight to fat and may cause diabetes as they suppress your insulin production. This would also tend to tire you immediately rather than give you an energy boost. I'm certainly not a diet freak, but things that taste like a combination of swamp water and toothpaste aren't high on my priority list to get me going in the morning
Hey guys, i once saw a fellow Marine go down of heat stroke during a CAX (Combined Arms Exercise) at 29Palms,Calif. during summertime 120 deg heat in 2003. The Marines taught us to drink frequently and the right things..... Yeah he laughed too when they told him to drink and it almost cost him his life!!! These are facts.

The Canadian Forces lost an Officer Candidate at Farnham, QC about 2000on a forced march-temp was high 90s with higher humidex-no one including the leadership recognized the onset of heat stroke, and the kid never quit because he did not want to be seen as a wimp, so kept on marching til he dropped, went into a coma and all his internal organs fried. Died a few days later. Totally preventable death-we all received training though I suspect the experiences in Afghanistan since mean a lot more troops are in the know about this.

Never understood energy drinks-mainly caffeine and sugar plus flavour and a few vitamins or herbs. Drink cold coffee on a hot day and keep yourself hydrated with water and salt your food.